The palace
That building has fascinated me, so when I learned that I can visit it in Open House event previous weekend I charged my camera's batteries, emptied memory card and was there for first visit. Apparently not early enough, as by the time I arrived quota was full and I had to wait for hour for next visit time. But it was well worth it.
View to palace. It was constructed about 150 years ago. In 1911 it was sold to literature society, in 1946 it was given to science academy and it belongs to science academy to this day. Probably thanks to such educated owners it is well preserved in its original state.

Impressive chimneys

Door handle

Even garbage bins are fine piece of art

Main hall

Meeting room

Academy president's office

Door ornament

Another meeting room, for more relaxed discussions

Secret door in this room, by this door servants could come in. There are reconstruction/restoration works going on.

Stairs, another piece of art

Initial owner was member of Order of Malta, this is room in top floor where they had order's meetings. Secretly, I presume.

View from Long Leg to buildings backside (behind the tree). I was shooting it and other people started to look up as well :D