Two different panoramas, facing opposite directions. Both taken with a lens from a scanner... you heard that right, a giant scanner Agfa made many decades ago. It's cost was upwards of 20.000 $ (up to 40.000 $ with certain packages) so they likely didn't have to make many compromises, when it comes to lens quality. It's still surprising that it works more than decently from infinity up to 1:1 and beyond...
I like the contrast of old and new here. Looks like the skyscrapers are creeping up on the old houses below, who are happily unaware. 😁 Maybe I'm anthropomorphising too much!!
Very nice shot. Especially with the reflection too.
It's good how you can see that the entire area inside the arc is brighter, not just the coloured rim. It reminds you that all the rain drops inside that whole area are reflecting the sunlight back to us. Only at the edge of that area do we get some "chromatic aberration" forming the bow; as each colour in turn reaches the max angle where the rain drops can reflect the light back. Whereas inside the arc all the colours can add back up again to white ;-)
The set shows that eerie silence in a foggy forest quite well.
This one is my fav.
I tried to see what happened if you brighten the lower part that's closest to you, so that the green and red parts have more contrast and saturation, seemed to add a bit more depth to the image?