• Members 834 posts
    March 29, 2025, 1:53 p.m.

    Nice colour palette in this one.

  • Members 834 posts
    March 29, 2025, 1:56 p.m.

    Ha ha! Yes, a bit weird for me too, though we rarely eat out when at home. Transitioning to Spanish time can be a challenge!

  • March 29, 2025, 2:11 p.m.

    Very interesting photos!

    A pity that Ariosto is treated so negtively in Italy (and ignored in much of the rest of the world). Among other reasons, his Orlando Furioso provided libretti for lot of early operas.


  • Members 834 posts
    March 29, 2025, 2:15 p.m.

    The trees make lovely patterns here. Reminds me of a silk print blouse my mother once had...

    Yes, it was worth the effort.

    This has the air of a gothic fairytale.

    i can feel the night time closing in. I love walking at this time of day.

  • Members 987 posts
    March 29, 2025, 3:04 p.m.

    These two, but especially the second, are wonderful. All a bit Lord of the Rings-ish.

  • Members 2023 posts
    March 29, 2025, 5:42 p.m.

    An interesting post as usual. Out of this fine set, I like the delicacy of this shot.

    I see you used the Z8. I find the IBIS in my new Z8 much improved compared to the Z7.

  • Members 470 posts
    March 29, 2025, 6:14 p.m.


    On wednesday warning was issued that there is chance for northern lights. Activity was even stronger on tuesday but then it rained here. On wednesday it was clear and I set to coast for clear northern view with low light pollution where only lights from below horizon finland could be seen. When i got to the coast I saw that there was just faint green light so i walked around ca 50 meters to find good spot for shoooting. When I found it then I looked up and saw that aurora was in full activity so I set my tripod and camera and started shooting. The show lasted about 15 minutes then faded but something was stull visible even 90 minutes later. I put camera to interval shooting for 100 frames and enjoyed show while camera clicked away it was quite magical experience.
    Here is photo of probably most active moment.

    Link to timelapse video, 100 photos:


    JPG, 391.8 KB, uploaded by Vahur on March 29, 2025.

  • Members 2023 posts
    March 29, 2025, 6:33 p.m.

    I do not know, but there are swords raining down as well. I thought is was nicely weird.

    I agree, I always enjoy smaller monuments, rather than the big famous ones.

  • Members 987 posts
    March 29, 2025, 6:36 p.m.

    That's a stunner. Could you see them with the naked eye very easily?

  • Members 2023 posts
    March 29, 2025, 6:39 p.m.

    When I worked with the theatre here in Reggio Orlando Furioso often cropped up in Theatre and Opera.

    My comment was tongue in cheek. I was thinking back to my school days when we were forced to read heavy serious literature, that we did not understand. Some things are best delt with when you are older.

  • Members 2023 posts
    March 29, 2025, 6:42 p.m.

    As an Engineer, I was drawn to those big heavy H beam columns in the shot above.

  • Members 2023 posts
    March 29, 2025, 6:43 p.m.

    Impressive light show! I like the backstory. Relax and let the camera do the work.

  • Members 380 posts
    March 29, 2025, 7:44 p.m.

    I can't say I noticed much difference in the IBIS to be honest. I suspect the slightly higher mass and better grip helps with holding it steady? I do find it to be a much nicer camera to use than the Z7 though, it's so much more responsive and the numerous minor UI tweaks really improve the experience.

    I shot my niece's wedding with it last year and it didn't miss a beat, it was really an eye opener for how good the camera is for that kind of application, although it was way too easy to end the day with more than 1,500 shots. Much of its performance is kind of wasted on the landscape stuff I mostly do, but I wouldn't want to go back to the Z7 (even though I've kept that as a backup). My absolute only gripe is the limited bracketing options, other than that I think it's great.

    Here's a shot of the happy couple, 70mm f/2.8, ISO 110 (auto), 1/800 sec, AF-C with face detection...

    Copy of DSC_6719 1.jpg

    Are you happy you made the upgrade?

    Copy of DSC_6719 1.jpg

    JPG, 853.7 KB, uploaded by SteveMonks on March 29, 2025.

  • Members 1107 posts
    March 30, 2025, 10:38 a.m.

    There was a strong light and unmissable deep shadows. I tried to make a composition with the passengers on the platform. It is not so great but it worked for me.



    JPG, 2.5 MB, uploaded by Daneland on March 30, 2025.

  • Members 2023 posts
    March 30, 2025, 10:56 a.m.

    This reminds me of the work by an American photographer, who used flash to isolate people against dark shadows.

    I like the busy nature of this picture, and of couse the use of deep shadow.

  • Members 470 posts
    March 30, 2025, 5:23 p.m.

    Seems like place where you can smell sea with all the dark stuff on shore.
    Last shot is bit intriguing: where do you get when taking this ladder? Is this part of port's infrastructure? Seems like tides are high in this area.

  • Members 470 posts
    March 30, 2025, 5:35 p.m.

    In first image I find the blue sky being a bit of distraction, if it were framed so that sky was minimal or not seen at all it could been better IMO.
    Second shot is great, all these colours are just delicacy compressed into JPG image. Only minor issue is that tree top is cut off.

  • Members 470 posts
    March 30, 2025, 5:42 p.m.

    Thanks. Yes, it was clearly visible, green colour seemed little bit more pale than in this image and this violet/red harder to distinguish but it was bright enough that you can see it and also its reflection from sea clearly. I did not want tone down colours too much to represent what was seen by eye as I know that human eye's cones which distinguish colours are not sensitive in low light so our eyes turn everthing grey in darkness.

  • Members 987 posts
    March 30, 2025, 8:54 p.m.

    I like it.
    I think some people that strive for this look use flash which I think is way too intrusive for street work.

  • Members 834 posts
    March 31, 2025, 8:27 p.m.

    The ladder leads up onto the quay just out of shot, so for accessing boats from the quay.
    Isle of Whithorn is on the Solway coast where the maximum tidal range is about 8 metres, so yes, quite a bit, especially of you're used to the Baltic 😉. But only half of the range of the Severn estuary where I used to live, the second highest range in the world at about 15 metres. You don't want to get caught by the tide out there! The Severn has a tidal bore which I've seen up to a couple of metres high. There is sometimes a small version on the Solway too.