• Members 7 posts
    April 21, 2023, 1:47 p.m.

    Hadn't posted in forever to DPR. Don't really know why other than life I guess. Sad to hear DPR is going under, but thrilled to have searched my past posts, then thought what the bleep how was that that long ago?!. And to see a new forum! Since I joined DPR when I bought my Oly E-300 (which I still shoot to this day, along with 10 other cameras) thought I would share interpolated files of our latest edition with the Oly e-300 and forgive the intrusion other than for comparison's sake - the Nikon D1H. The Oly jumps to a 19.4 mp file and the Nikon to an 11mp file.

    Now the D1H is little grittier, but for a 3mp file, up-sampled to 11mp using a cheap AF DX lens (that AF does not stand for Auto Focus), it kicks a** and I was pretty blown away. Pros won't be tossing their mirrorless FF for this and grabbing their retro gear, but for those of us who cherish the old Kodak CCD's, it's pretty cool that you can still get usable files (link insert won't work not sure why)...


    Onto the dreamy, the lovely, the retro ugly Oly E-300 which holds a forever special place in my heart and will get use into the forever future, I think the results are pretty killer. This is using the Panny Leica 14-150mm which is tack sharp but to take that old CCD to 20mp with really nice results imho, jazzed. AI might bring down humanity, but pretty cool that it also makes your cams still sing.


    Anyway, loved the Oly forum back in the day so much and LEARNED so much. Hope to keep posting. Also, while I have an OM-D E-M5, I see no old school four thirds forum, just MFT. Where should we post our Evolt love files?

    Best - Gus

  • Members 567 posts
    April 21, 2023, 5:12 p.m.

    Well this is the right place Gus, but that said there are several non brand exclusive threads to which you can post any images you wish, including the following:

    and no doubt others but I have not explored the entire site so I don't know more than these. This current forum is for the 4/3 Olympus cameras of the E series. I have an E-1 and an E-3 collecting dust in a plastic storage container along with a collection of lenses.

    A nice spot you vacationed in the tropics somewhere in the last flickr link.


  • Members 7 posts
    April 21, 2023, 7:20 p.m.

    Thanks, Andrew! and its Zanzibar and Tanzania - highly recommended.