• Members 5 posts
    May 23, 2023, 11:45 a.m.

    PWM03095.jpgHarrier Hawk I caught on my A6600 in Patagonia


    Still do not understand how this works
    I see the shots in "preview" but not the camera and lens data

    but apparently this data shows up after you press the "edit reply" button
    There seems not to be a more understandable "submit" button

    Also, when you enter a photo an warming of your Mb usage shows the amount up to 0,01 MB accurate, which is just clutter.
    Full Mb values without decimals would be clear enough


    JPG, 3.0 MB, uploaded by PeterMoree on May 23, 2023.


    JPG, 7.6 MB, uploaded by PeterMoree on May 23, 2023.