• AlenKpanorama_fish_eye
    9 posts
    2 years ago

    Cheers, all. Let’s get this party started. I am coming over from DPReview just days before the Big Freeze over there.

    To introduce myself, I have been doing astrophotography on and off since the late 70’s but much more so recently. My one and only camera now for astrophotography is a Pentax K-3II. (Let’s ignore the three film SLRs I have that I likely will never use again.) I bought the K-3II expressly for that purpose mostly because of its built-in Astrotracer but also because of the great Sony sensor, the robust feature set and the tank-like build quality. It is serving me well and I use it as much as I can. Heck, I even take regular photos with it occasionally, especially when I travel.

    I have mostly done deep-sky stuff through both telescopes and lenses. Lately, I have gotten more into nightscapes and ultra-wide angle images, especially using mosaics.

    I would point readers to some of my images but alas, I was posting them on DPReview in a gallery, which like everything else there is slated to disappear soon. I am looking for a good no-cost home for them again, something that allows original-size JPEGs to not only be posted but linked in other posts elsewhere. (DPReview’s galleries allowed the former but not the latter.)

  • W5JCKpanorama_fish_eye
    37 posts
    2 years ago

    Hello everyone I’m Jack Swinden and I have been doing astrophotography and night-sky photography for about 15 years now. I’m retired from being a technical writer in the software/high tech industries. I’m also an Extra Class amateur radio operator with callsign W5JCK, which is my screen name herein.

    I’m currently using two old Sony’s the a6000 and a7 original model, plus I just added a new Sony ZV-E10 to the mix for AP and N-SP. I’m just beginning to get into shooting video. I’m limited in what I can do because I have a lot of arthritis and carpel tunnel, so I’m limited in travel. Therefore I mostly shoot from my home in the suburbs about 10 miles south of downtown Fort Worth. So I have to deal with a lot of LP (light pollution). I mostly concentrate on meteor capture these days.

    I’m disappointed by the lack of photo and video attachments herein. I hope they add that feature rather than depend on using links. I suspect I’m not the only one who doesn’t have a place to link to and needs to upload from my devices. Do they even allow linking to video here? Those abilities need to be added to make this forum useful.

    Use the link button above and enter a Youtube url for a video. This embeds it, as seen below. BTW, This was an accidental video capture of a slow moving meteor.

  • andreschpanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    2 years ago

    Hey guys. Name‘s Chris and i‘m moving in from dpreview as well. I startet this hobby two years ago and learned a lot trough the dpr astro forum. I am mainly into deep sky photography with telescopes and I hope the party gets going on here!
    My first picture here (and the first ever in this category 😉): Belt and Sword of Orion

    (This is also a test for the BBCode link function from Astrobin)

    Cheers & clear skies

  • DavidWrightpanorama_fish_eye
    33 posts
    2 years ago

    Another refugee here. I've been doing digital AP for about 5 years now (and film AP back in the dinosaur era). I like to shoot DSOs, but after the few bright ones, things get a lot harder. I do almost all my work in my backyard (Bortle 5-6), although I also have a Fornax LightTrak II mount for the occasional travel.

    Messier 51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy.jpg


    Messier 51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy.jpg

    JPG, 996.9 KB, uploaded by DavidWright 2 years ago.

  • 1DSmIIpanorama_fish_eye
    30 posts
    2 years ago

    Hi all.

    This is confusing. I just noticed there is also a "Low Light/Night Photography" forum. I'm going to be torn between which forum to post in!

  • W5JCKpanorama_fish_eye
    37 posts
    2 years ago

    I requested a "Night-sky" forum. The one you mention seems to be anything but wide angle night-sky astronomy related photos. I suspect that those in charge of creating forums don't really understand what we are asking for. I think I'll make another request and ask for a forum specifically for night-sky photography and videography including pretty much anything related to astronomy as seen from Earth. We are not looking to post within a forum designed for cityscapes, weather shots, etc. We are interested in a forum more specifically oriented around astronomy, such as MW shots, meteors, satellite tracks, star trails, etc. I'm not sure what they could call it. Perhaps "Wide Field Astronomy Photos and Video" or even "Wide Field Astronomy Imaging".

  • W5JCKpanorama_fish_eye
    37 posts
    2 years ago

    I just posted this request for a wide field astronomy imaging forum.

  • 1DSmIIpanorama_fish_eye
    30 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks Jack. Hopefully someone will listen.

    I have had my hands full of late.

    By the way, seeing a fair few bright meteors on UKMON in the last hour or 3 (22:50 UT now), including at least one fireball so far, might be worth setting up cameras is you have clear skies there tonight. Very bright Moon, but had a few hours of grace before Moon-rise here!

  • CraigBobpanorama_fish_eye
    3 posts
    2 years ago

    Hi All, I was known as Sabbster on the old site. I've been into Astroimaging for a long time I made my 1st astro image back in the '80s of a Lunar Eclise using a Pentax MV-1 and film.

    Over the past 20 years I've seriously upped my game in some ways, though my go-to camera is still a pentax only this time it's the K-1.

    A lot of my images can be found on Astrobin www.astrobin.com/users/Craigbob/

    Glad to be here.