• barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    Swamp in UV. Taken May 2nd 2023.Pentax K-1 full spectrum modified by Kolari Vision. 85mm metal EL-NIKKOR enlarging lens with 2mm thick Hoya U360 (visible light blocking) and 2mm thick Schott S8612 (IR blocking) filters stacked. UV is only about 3% of sunlight. High ISO and long exposures are usually required.IMGP8677tywappitylakeUV.jpg

    ISO 1600, F8 at 5".
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 213.7 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • PenApanorama_fish_eye
    54 posts
    2 years ago

    I took my K-1 for a spin today. A few shots of the new ride:






    (K-1 with DFA*50 1.4)

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Shot some wildflowers yesterday. Here's the day's catch.


    Eastern Groundsel by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 135mm f2.5 at f11, 1/180s, and ISO 100



    Lilac by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 50mm f1.4 at f5.6, 1/250s, and ISO 100

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Stayed in today and shot the dog.


    Kawai by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 150mm f3.5 with Godox TT350 flash at f3.5, 1/125s, and ISO 100

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    Taken May 3 2023. Pentax 645Z with adapted Bronica 6x7 PG 150mm lens. F4 at 1/250 ISO160. I like the bokeh of this lens wide open.
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 159.6 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    Taken May 4 2023. Pentax K-7 with Pentax 60-250 zoom. 250mm, F4, 1/320 hand held.
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 183.6 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch.


    Lilac by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-A 50mm f2.8 Macro taken at f6.7, 1/90s, and ISO 400



    Clematis by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-A* 135mm f1.8 taken at f2.8, 1/2000s, and ISO 100

    and a bonus frame...


    Modern Architecture by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 24mm f2.8 taken at f11, 1/90s, and ISO 100

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Today's walkabout was cut short by rain. Here's today's catch.


    Saalkirche by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 28mm f2.0 at f8.0, 1/180s, and ISO 400



    Dogwood by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 200mm f2.5 at f5.6, 1/250s, and ISO 560

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Photos from Saturday.


    Window by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 50mm f1.2 at f2.8, 1/2000s, and ISO 400



    Window by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 135mm f3.5 at f4.5, 1/1500s, and ISO 800

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's a couple from Wine Fest.


    Brass Band by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 35mm f3.5 at f11, 1/350s, and ISO 800



    Carousel by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 400-600mm f8-12 Reflex Zoom at 400mm, f8.0, 1/90s, and ISO 800
    It's really difficult to get a technically good shot from this lens, but I still liked this one.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch.

    Playing with the 50mm lens wide open today...


    Spirea by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 50mm f1.7 at f1.7, 1/2000s, and ISO 200

    and still shooting wide open, this time with a telephoto, close to but not quite at minimum focus distance...


    Poppy by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-A 400mm f5.6 at f5.6, 1/250s, and ISO 200

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch.


    Wisteria by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 50mm f4.0 Macro at f8.0, 1/60s, and ISO 800

    And this one with my 85mm which I had a little bit of a scare with. I was getting blurry photos while out and about with it. I thought it might be my eyesight or my technique, or maybe the lens was "going bad," but in the end it turned out my Shake Reduction system was set to 400mm. Made that correction, and everything was fine again.


    Nasses Motorrad by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 85mm f2.0 at f2.0, 1/350s, and ISO 200

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    My new computer arrived today, so I spent a bunch of time unpacking, putting together, and setting things up. Still had time for a walkabout, much to the delight of the dog.

    Here's today's catch.


    Irises by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 20mm f4.0 at f11, 1/1000s, and ISO 800



    Padlock by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 200mm f4.0 at f11, 1/500s, and ISO 800

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    May 9 2023. Pentax 645Z with Pentax 645 FA80-160 zoom at 160. ISO 800 F8 .6 sec.
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 276.8 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago


    May 10 2023. Pentax Q7 with #06 15-45 zoom at 36 (EQ. 164mm) Used my new extension tube.
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 201.9 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Two Pentaxes of very different size!

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    It rained on us today. I took the cameras, but didn't get them out much. Here's today's catch.


    Wisteria by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 28mm f3.5 Shift at f3.5 (accidentally forgot to stop down before exposure), 1/60s, and ISO 100



    Chain by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 120mm f2.8 at f5.6, 1/60s, and ISO 100

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's the catch of the day, posted a couple days late.


    Horse Chestnut by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M* 300mm f4.0 at f8.0, 1/500s, and ISO 400



    Grape Leaves by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 40mm f2.8 at f4.0, 1/750s, and ISO 140