• JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    We took a walk at lunchtime, and here are some results.


    Bee and Flower by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 50mm f4.0 Macro with 1.4x-S Converter-A at f13, 1/90s, and ISO 280



    Natural Framing by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 30mm f2.8 at f11, 1/250s, and ISO 280

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's the day's catch.


    Rose by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 55mm 1.8 with 1.4x-S Converter-A at 77mm, f13, 1/125s, and ISO 400

    and without the converter...


    Mainzer Straße by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 55mm f1,8 at f2.2, 1/2000s, and ISO 100

    and finally...


    Wild Roses by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 400mm f5.6 at f5.6, 1/500s, and ISO 400

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago


    Shot May 23 2023, yesterday.

    Trying out the new Adaptalux Pod Minis with UV arms. Unmodified Pentax 645Z with Pentax 645 Series A 120mm macro. This is a UVInducedVisualFluorescence (UVIVF). Hit subject with UV light and it fluoresces visible light. Stock camera filters out overwhelming UV. ISO 400 F8 69 seconds.
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 145.8 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    823 posts
    2 years ago

    Number 2 is wonderful.


  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Fantastic UV flourescence image barondla! And thanks, Rich!

    Here's today's catch with a difficult pairing.


    Wildflower Medley by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 15mm f3.5 at f5.6, 1/1000s, and ISO 800



    Wild Roses by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 400 - 600mm Reflex Zoom at 550mm, f11, 1/500s, and ISO 4500

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    Taken May 24 2023.
    Tina's Field.
    Pentax 645Z with Pentax FA 400mm. ISO 400 F8 1/500. Hand held.

    River Boat.
    Pentax 645Z with Pentax A 400mm. ISO 200 F8 1/250.

    Thanks for looking,



    JPG, 156.6 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.


    JPG, 282.5 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    May 25 2023. Pentax Q7 with Fujinon 2.7mm F1.8 fisheye model CF2.7HA-L1. ISO 100 F1.8 1/250. Lens is fixed aperture and focus. Years ago, a hot tip mentioned these lenses mounted in a security camera on closeout. A C mount adapter allowed it to be mounted on the Q. What little focus is needed, is via slightly unscrewing lens from C mount adapter. Doesn't take much with a 2.7mm focal length. Not bad for $69!
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 305.2 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch.


    Poppies Again by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M* 300mm f4.0 at f5.6, 1/1500s, and ISO 400



    Snail by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-A 50mm f2.8 Macro at f11, 1/180s, and ISO 280

    and a bonus for today, because I liked the bokeh...


    Vetch by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-A 50mm f2.8 Macro at f4.0, 1/180s, and ISO 280

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    Great photos. Poppies pop against the green foliage. Snail was a great find and the third picture has beautiful bokeh.
    Thanks for sharing,

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch.


    Purple on Yellow by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-A* 200mm f4.0 Macro ED at f16, 1/350s, and ISO 280
    I was going for the purple flower contrast on the yellow leaves. I didn't see the bee while shooting.



    The Neighbor's Allium by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 500mm f4.5 at f16, 1/1000s, and ISO 1600
    I used a monopod for this shot, but I think a monopod isn't going to work as well as I'd hoped for this huge lens. I'm going to need a strong and tall tripod.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch (so far)...


    Help me ID these flowers! by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 24mm f2.8 at f11, 1/60s, and ISO 200



    Door in B/W by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 40mm f2.8 Pancake at f5.6, 1/60s, and ISO 100

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's some more from today.


    Burgkirche by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 200mm f2.5 at f2.5, 1/3000s, and ISO 100

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    May 28 2023.

    Pentax K-1 full spectrum with Kolari hot mirror 2 filter (returns camera back to stock). Pentax FA43 Limited. ISO 200 @ F1.9 and 1/1600. Love the 43 bokeh
    Thanks for looking,


    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 64.7 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Nice one barondla!

    We went to the Rhine today, which for us is a short busride across town. Here's today's catch.


    The Rhine by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 17mm f4.0 Fisheye at f16, 1/60s, and ISO 200



    Mushrooms by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-A 100mm f2.8 Macro with 1.4x-S Converter-A at 140mm, f8.0, 1/350s, and ISO 140

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks JCDoss. I especially like your B&W fisheye image. I need to use mine more.
    Thanks for sharing,

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch.


    Path Under the Willow by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 28mm f3.5 at f11, 1/125s, and ISO 100



    Egyptian Goose Family by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 120mm f2.8 at f5.6, 1/500s, and ISO 100, cropped somewhat
    On a sad note, this family made two passes by the picnic spot we were sitting. The second time, they had lost one of these babies. :(

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch.


    White Roses by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-A* 135mm f1.8 at f2.8, 1/350s, and ISO 100



    The Lake by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 20mm f4.0 at f8.0, 1/500s, and ISO 100

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    220 posts
    2 years ago

    May 30 2023.
    Pentax K-1 with Pentax A*200 macro. ISO 3200 F5.5 1/250. I have always wanted a picture of one of these worms hanging from a thread. After many shots today, Finally got some decent ones. Even with no wind I could see him slowly swing in and out of focus. This was shot in the shade so there wasn't much light.

    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 72.4 KB, uploaded by barondla 2 years ago.