• JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    2 years ago

    Here's today's catch.


    Turning Grape Leaves by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-A* 200mm f4.0 Macro ED at f8.0, 1/250s, and ISO 400


    Grass by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 30mm f2.8 at f13, 1/250s, and ISO 200

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    218 posts
    a year ago

    August 20, 2023

    Pentax K-1, Pentax 77 Limited with Kolari Vision hot mirror filter.
    ISO 100, F4.5 at 1/125.
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 138.4 KB, uploaded by barondla a year ago.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    Excellent captures with impressive colors. Both of those shots would be a great additions for the respective "A colored thread: RED / PINK" topics, if you‘ve seen those - perhaps you want to share them there as well!

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    I was feeling pekid yesterday, so my K-1 mIIs got the day off. I was back at it today, however, and I have a couple of in-camera generated jpgs for you. It was almost like shooting with the K-3III Monochrome, or so I can imagine.


    Fence by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-A 400mm f5.6 at f5.6, 1/2000s, and ISO 800, in-camera jpg with adjustments


    Ivy-covered Tree by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 24mm f2.8 at f2.8, 1/20s, and ISO 200, in-camera jpg with adjustments

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    It was another hot day, but I still got out and picked up a couple images from the town center where we also bagged some ice cream.


    Construction Crane by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 135mm f2.5 at f11, 1/1500s, and ISO 100


    Empty Tables by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 24mm f2.8 at f5.6, 1/90s, and ISO 100

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    Got a couple of vehicles for you today. They might be crap or maybe not, you tell me.


    Camouflaged by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 30mm f2.8 at f8.0, 1/90s, and ISO 100


    Red Means Faster by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 400-600mm Reflex Zoom at 400mm, f8.0, 1/125s, and ISO 400

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    218 posts
    a year ago

    August 22, 2023

    @JCDoss I like the crane shot a lot. Very dramatic. Excellent composition.

    So hot and humid today that the MF or even K mounts would take forever to unfog. The small amount of glass in the Pentax Q lenses can be an advantage. The #06 zoom ( approx 80-240 Eq) only took about 5 minutes. Luckily the butterfly stayed around. Original Pentax Q w/ Pentax #06 telezoom. ISO250 F2.8 at 1/250. Slight crop. Don't see many B&W butterflies around here. Glad he waited on me.
    Thanks for looking,




    JPG, 234.1 KB, uploaded by barondla a year ago.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    @barondla, I like the intricate wing patterns you captured. Wish I could zoom in on them.

    I tell myself to take as few photos as possible. Then today, I took 21. That's 19 more than I needed. Here's today's catch.


    Sunflower Backside by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-A* 200mm f4.0 Macro ED at f4.0, 1/1000s, and ISO 100


    Morning Glory Vine by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 28mm f2.0 at f2.8, 1/180s, and ISO 200

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    A pair of shots of my lovely assistant with the funny name.


    Kawai and Grapes by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 85mm f2.0 at f4.0, 1/125s, and ISO 280


    Kawai and Fence by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-K 50mm f1.2 at f1.2, 1/1000s, and ISO 200

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    812 posts
    a year ago


    I like these shots of Kawai. You've done a very good job with the compositions.

    I think the 50mm focal length at very wide aperture and close range (not "macro") is one of the most overlooked and most underrated tools we have. The combination of distinctive perspective caused by the shooting distance and the not-too-rapid fall off of sharp focus region, finally into dreamy out-of-focus background is almost universally appealing. It's great for pet portraits and florals and lots of other situations. I use it all the time for street photography. For human portraits there's a little too much "big nose syndrome."

    Here's one of Poppy who's since gone to kitty heaven, playing "wild cat" a few years ago, prowling in the grass and terrorizing tiny bugs in our back yard. I was using an atrocious old Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 on a Nikon D800E. But I love the image. I've since gotten a much better Nikkor 50/1.8 which I regularly use wide open both on the D800E and adapted for my GFX100S medium format camera.




    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by Rich42 a year ago.

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    218 posts
    a year ago

    August 25, 2023

    Original Pentax Q with #01 normal lens. ISO 125 F2.2 at 1/60.
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 186.0 KB, uploaded by barondla a year ago.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    A pair of grape images. The harvest should be very soon. Then what am I going to do for photos?


    Grapes by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-A* 135mm f1.8 at f1.8, 1/500s, and ISO 200


    Grapes with Flare by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 17mm f4.0 Fisheye at f16, 1/250s, and ISO 400

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    I took the cameras to the town square today, but was also relegated to pack mule status and couldn't be very spontaneous with the camera. So, I have what amounts to a pair of safeties today. Sorry.


    Red Chairs by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 120mm f2.8 at f4.0, 1/500s, and ISO 100


    Fountain by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-A 50mm f2.8 Macro at f4.8, 1/500s, and ISO 100

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    I absolutely love that - excellent abstract work! Well spotted and captured.

    Like this one a lot!

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    When I took this shot, I didn't know it would be the only one I'd take all day.


    Hillside by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 135mm f3.5 at f11, 1/125s, and ISO 100

  • barondlapanorama_fish_eye
    218 posts
    a year ago

    Thanks @simplejoy.
    August 27, 2023

    Original Pentax Q with #01 standard lens. ISO 125, F2.8 at 1/25 with flash.
    Thanks for looking,


    JPG, 141.7 KB, uploaded by barondla a year ago.

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    Interesting. Shoe tread?

    Got a few decent ones today. Here's two, more at my Flickr.


    Grapes, Macro by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 100mm f4.0 Macro at f8.0, 1/125s, and ISO 3200


    Getting Close to Harvest Time by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-M 40mm f2.8 at f2.8, 1/60s, and ISO 100

  • JCDosspanorama_fish_eye
    166 posts
    a year ago

    Shot some yesterday but ran out of gas before I could post them.


    Sunflowers by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII and Pentax-K 15mm f3.5 at f11, 1/180s, and ISO 400


    Sunflowers and a Can by Jason Doss, on Flickr
    Pentax K-1 mII Limited Silver and Pentax-M 400mm f5.6 at f8.0, 1/500s, and ISO 1100