Thought I’d sign up and introduce myself here. I was very active on DPR from 2018 to last summer, but then decided to close my account (another story). I was there under this same user name. I recently heard about the closure and heard about this forum (and the alternatives) after a bit of lurking back there. I didn’t fancy the alternatives so I’ve rocked up here as a show of support. I’m not sure how active I’ll be as I’ve not missed participating in photography forums at all! But please do keep up the good work. It’s a great start.
Thank you bobn2 , AlanSh, 43review, and root, for all your work to provide this forum site for us. And doing it on such incredibly short notice allowed so many to become aware of it while DPReview was still open. It would have been much more difficult to attract this many members if it had started after DPReview closed. Great job!
Maybe, but not necessarily as active. When I think about the 24,000+ posts I've submitted there since 2006, it seems like I just ended up saying the same 24 things a thousand times. I anticipate that my contributions here will be more - how should I put it - carefully chosen.
Well, I was there from June of 2000 and am now just a few posts past 7300. So I was active but not overly so. Mostly technical stuff regarding the inner workings.
It'll likely be the same here. And with the most posts in the Medium Format Forum since that's where my current interests lie.
Amateur Photographer
Professional Electronics Development Engineer