• AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I've just got a TZ100. It produces nice snaps but one thing really irritates me. How can I get rid of the feature that, when I half press the shutter, it magnifies the middle part of the image in the viewfinder? I can reduce the time it's there, but I can't see how to stop it happening in the first place.

    Any clues?


  • AlbertM43userpanorama_fish_eye
    56 posts
    2 years ago

    I read your similar posting on DPR.

    2 shooting modes will bring up PIP screen (magnification of the focus box). Either in MF mode, or using Pin Point Focus mode.

    The answer had been posted on DPR's Panny Compact Forum, not duplicate here.

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago
  • DonaldBpanorama_fish_eye
    2366 posts
    2 years ago

    from past experience from several brands the smallest af point is not very accurate. ive always used the next size up for better
    focus accuracy.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    Panasonic is quite different here. The pinpoint focus crosshairs is absolutely dead accurate. As accurate as you can get. It doesn't cover the entire sensor area, and it's definitely a little bit slower and steady, but it more than makes up for that with accuracy. It also doesn't work in AF-C mode, due to the focus speed slowdown required for accuracy

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Thanks both for the information.

    I did find that the smallest point is accurate with my limited (1 day) testing. But I can't stand how the screen zooms in for a short while and then goes back to 'normal' - so I'll go with the next size up for a few days and see how that goes.


  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    On the small sensor, you probably won't notice any minor focus misses using larger focus boxes.
    On my Sigma 56 f1.4, shooting wide open at close distances, it's the only way to fly. It honestly is dead bang spot on every time. Unless something moves.
    On a shot like this, you can pick any edges of any letter you like, and it will simply nail it. Every time
    Ape racing.jpg

    Ape racing.jpg

    JPG, 600.1 KB, uploaded by Ghundred 2 years ago.

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Yes, but this is a 1" sensor with a fixed zoom lens. So, there's a bit of leeway in the focussing.
