I really like this! While I appreciate photos that are beautiful or puzzling, what I probably am most drawn to are photos that hold a story inside. This one is brimming over with story that we get to figure out for ourselves. The younger lady in the kayak seems to be getting no bites on her rod and she looks a bit dour about it. Juxtaposed positionally and life-wise, the older fellow with the red umbrella upstairs on the rusty old bridge has been reduced to traveling with what looks like a quad cane, but he is still afoot, shirtless, sporting a tan and a stylishly trimmed beard, and has dropped in his line with a float that matches her kayak. Is it an invitation? Might he teach her a thing or too (about fishing)? I see a May/December romance.
Your characters have remarkable detail. I wish the sky had just a little more detail in it, to tell us photographers it isn't blown out, but a richly detailed sky would probably detract from the details of the story, which are small details by necessity. Some haze reduction in the distance maybe? I dunno. I respond first to the story and I think it's wonderful..