These aren't the carefully posed studies for the official folio. These are candid moments where "the party" is as much the subject as the couple. They are shots that the group will look back at in years to come and remember what was being chatted and laughed about at the time.
They bring back personal memories to me of a different kind. Permit me to wander a little here but it's relevant to something I want to say about them technically.
Many years ago in B&W film days I did wedding photos for a while. I wasn't good at it. Lou's photos here avoid a mistake I made and never forgot. In the shots are plenty of shadows. It can be concluded that it is either sunny or close to it. The big big problem for wedding photographers is to get details in that so important white dress while not having the groom's dark suit look like a flat black shape. Control of contrast is critical. I failed badly, but that's another story. Ever since I have always gone to the contrast and those two areas in any wedding photos.
Lou's shots look a little dark and I suspect that he has added vignetting to bring attention to the central areas of the photo where he wanted us to look. It has worked. A little dark they might appear but he has the details that are important in wedding photos. I wish I could have said the same.