• LouHollandpanorama_fish_eye
    132 posts
    a year ago

    Hi Jim,

    Long time ago and nice to see you again with some stories from your youth. I really like the second image, where the two solitary trees protrude above the horizon. Is that a walking path or is that part set back, perpendicular to the view of the two trees, which is perpendicular to the higher horizon!

    Nice photo and good color palette, Lou

  • LouHollandpanorama_fish_eye
    132 posts
    a year ago

    Hi Minniev,
    Your first photo derives its power from being completely in the frame.
    The second one with the main person who hardly stands out in the first image is a beauty.
    Standing right in front of the slightly hollow plank, the heron appears to be a
    cautious tightrope walker with a beautiful backdrop of green and red flowers.
    Like it, Lou

  • JimStirlingpanorama_fish_eye
    196 posts
    a year ago

    Hi Lou good to see you are still going strong . are you still a biker ? . The path was and still is a space left to wildlife between two cultivated fields the farmer and now his son have always been ahead of the curve when it comes to nature. I just turned 59 and the path has always been there , I must ask 😀 young Alistair { the farmers son } who was at school with me when his dad also Alastair { now 93 } decided to leave the space to nature

  • LindaSpanorama_fish_eye
    523 posts
    a year ago




    JPG, 2.4 MB, uploaded by LindaS a year ago.

  • Fireplace33panorama_fish_eye
    1128 posts
    a year ago

    That first shot is a cracker !
    Love the way those ominous dark clouds have rays of hope shining out on the right side

  • Fireplace33panorama_fish_eye
    1128 posts
    a year ago

    Lovely scene, well composed. I like those fall colours. Looks like a peaceful place.
    I didn't notice the big bird at all at first, but after seeing it in the second, went back and found it. Making it an added attraction to the 1st :-)

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    I like this a lot! The colors and light are fantastic and I love that the composition is actually putting more emphasis on the water and trees alongside it than on the path. Great choice and a wonderful result!

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1479 posts
    a year ago

    Great scene. So unique. Feels like we are all right there, part of it. Love it.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1479 posts
    a year ago

    I admire your keen eye for noticing this assembly of textures and lines and angles.
    B&W treatment is ideal choice to accentuate the amazing architectural details.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1479 posts
    a year ago

    Top capture is a dream shot. You have all the elements there. It's like the viewer is actually walking alongside. Perfect.

    The bird is a very welcome addition and obviously is part of the scene.

    Great combo.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1479 posts
    a year ago

    Very innovative capture and pp.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1479 posts
    a year ago

    To me this capture borders on being an abstract, almost. Particularly in the view of a fact that b&w treatment adds new level of interest because we all associate this brand with colour red. This oval spot above is certainly intriguing.

  • WhyNotpanorama_fish_eye
    676 posts
    a year ago

    Interesting .. Always interested in the table manners of birds ... But for bad table manners

    Bad Table Manners.jpg

    My friend here spends his time waiting for a careless squirrel to cross a busy street when he retrieves his breakfast ... But as to critique for memorable photographs I am deterred .....


    Bad Table Manners.jpg

    JPG, 840.9 KB, uploaded by WhyNot a year ago.

  • WhyNotpanorama_fish_eye
    676 posts
    a year ago

    my mistske

  • WhyNotpanorama_fish_eye
    676 posts
    a year ago

    my mistake

  • WhyNotpanorama_fish_eye
    676 posts
    a year ago

    Looks like a good place to spend some time .. and I guess that the heron is much like our Mooch


    Mooch spend much of his time fishing along side the fishermen or just, as he is here, standing about waiting for the fisherwoman to throw him one that is too small to keep ...Although he will often stand about and pose for my pictures!!! ( the fishermen gave him his name, I believe the boaters at this marina have different name that I have forgotten. ... )



    JPG, 707.2 KB, uploaded by WhyNot a year ago.

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    822 posts
    a year ago



    Do not even pretend to establish eye contact with this woman! Whew!



    JPG, 3.9 MB, uploaded by Rich42 a year ago.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    Wonderful abstract geometry shot! I thought it might be interesting to flip it, but it actually works way better as it is... and it's perfect in B&W. Really well captured!