• simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    Interesting and effective series! These are my favorites. Love the color and the interesting dynamic shape of the leaf in the first one and the reversed effect with the background looking more colorful and the decaying leaf almost grey in the second one. Very well seen and captured!

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    That's fantastic - really well spotted and wonderfully framed. I love the duality of light (in the shop, connected with the neon signs) and darkness (of the buildings around it). It looks like a scene from a film (in the best sense), which you rarely get to capture in real life. Excellent work on managing to do that.

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    I would never think of a processing like you did here, but I still feel like it works surprisingly well with this image. Creates a unique and interesting atmosphere (I'm reminded of the desert, with the clear shapes in the background, which almost look like abstracted by heat...). If the car wasn't here I would even call it post-apocalyptic. Well done!

  • 726 posts
    a year ago



    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by Sagittarius a year ago.

  • MikeFewsterpanorama_fish_eye
    1717 posts
    a year ago

    Cosenza. Italy.
    An intriguing town. Unusually, the active city centre is some distance from the picturesque older centre that clings to a hillside. We expect to find these areas to be renovated tourist hubs. Not so Cosenza, Some sections of the old quarters are being redeveloped while much is derelict but still lived in. You have to go looking and climbing to get into this area. Large sections felt quite unstable as we walked around. It had us thinking about the scale and cost of renovations necessary to maintain old Italy.
    Then there is the Bilotti outdoor museum of modern sculpture. A totally unexpected collection of large sculptures from same of the most famous names in the trade. You bump into these casually along the main street in the modern section.
    La Passegiatta is alive and well but there seemed to be sharp divisions between the young and the old and their chosen parade areas.
    Getting to Cosenza summed up the experience. It's out of the way. A modern train takes you to an enormous, modern station in a semi rural location. But the station is deserted. If you are lucky with your arrival time, a single track, rickety old rail car might, ot might not, be available to take you the 8km to the city. Cosenza is like that. Generally in Italy, the transition between past, present and future feels seamless. Cosenza felt different as though the weight of expectation to preserve the past sat awkwardly with the economic realities. We weren't there for long. I tried insiccesfully to find a student or two to chat with about the town.

    Renovations as art.jpg



    Men on bench.jpg

    The young.jpg

    The young.jpg

    JPG, 379.7 KB, uploaded by MikeFewster a year ago.

    Men on bench.jpg

    JPG, 420.2 KB, uploaded by MikeFewster a year ago.


    JPG, 398.6 KB, uploaded by MikeFewster a year ago.


    JPG, 573.1 KB, uploaded by MikeFewster a year ago.

    Renovations as art.jpg

    JPG, 573.5 KB, uploaded by MikeFewster a year ago.


    JPG, 463.7 KB, uploaded by MikeFewster a year ago.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1479 posts
    a year ago

    Thank you for the tour. Each of these shots give us the snippets of local life and it's habitats. Just amazing array of goings-on.
    My fave is the "confrontation " image. Love it for it's unique take on art, past and present, classic and modern. Brilliant.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1479 posts
    a year ago

    There is something beautiful about simplicity of this lilly, beauty in a natural environment. Well seen.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1479 posts
    a year ago

    Great variety. Very enticing. Amazing colours.

  • MikeFewsterpanorama_fish_eye
    1717 posts
    a year ago

    Blue skies, water, arches and angles. That's the essence of Moorish architecture. Your wa adds drama to these elements and creates lines that bring them together.

  • MikeFewsterpanorama_fish_eye
    1717 posts
    a year ago

    I'll discuss the first because here I think the len's characteristics are adding to and making the image. A very shallow DoF isolates an autumn red leaf from its surroundings. There's enough detail on this plane to show similarity in the points of the leaf edge, the frost and the thorns. It's interesting that there is more detail in the out-focus areas in front of the position of focus than there are in the areas behind the point of focus. The foreground is identifiable, frost tipped leaves and maybe straw or grass. While I think the background material is similar to that in the foreground, the bokeh surprises. The pattern looks more like out of focus moving water?
    Whatever, it certainly 'pops' our brave red leaf.

  • MikeFewsterpanorama_fish_eye
    1717 posts
    a year ago

    It's a daring photo. The colour range, subject and composition take us by surprise and encourage us to explore further. The reflected view in the reflected lenses suggests a very different world behind us and we are drawn in to understand it. The blue and green on the lenses is different enough to the rest of the image to have our attention and make the reflection the subject.
    Unfortunately, I think the point of focus is not at the lens surface but on the glasses ear piece to the rear. I feel that this detracts somewhat as we dig into interpreting an unusual image.

  • MikeFewsterpanorama_fish_eye
    1717 posts
    a year ago

    There is so much I enjoyed here. Two similar vertical rectangles make the shot. Bottom left establishes the subject, a man at work. Top right, the complementary shape explains the nature of the work and helps us to orientate to where we are.
    The rest of the image is gloomy- it convinces of long hours and uncomfortable conditions. The surrounds add information while building a repeating panel layout.

  • OpenCubehelp_outline
    861 posts
    a year ago

    Failed Experiment #3 in color and black and white. Outside of color, this was all in camera.



    JPG, 1.3 MB, uploaded by OpenCube a year ago.


    JPG, 862.8 KB, uploaded by OpenCube a year ago.

  • Manuelhelp_outline
    118 posts
    a year ago
  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    425 posts
    a year ago

    Street cat portrait



    JPG, 3.6 MB, uploaded by Kumsal a year ago.

  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    425 posts
    a year ago

    I want to say more of this Mike 👍👍👍

  • simplejoyhelp_outline
    1662 posts
    a year ago

    I really love this one - fantastic work! Have you tried it with different scenes?

  • OpenCubehelp_outline
    861 posts
    a year ago

    No. First spin yesterday. I need to make a setup to get it to do what I really want with this version. The only way I could get this was with manual focus. Need about 4 arms to make it work currently and the Olympus doesn't have an evf making it even more difficult.