• minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    Once again, your unique perspective renders your real subject a mystery I cannot solve. It reminds me of a display in my oral surgeon's office.

    The color palette is pleasing. The shapes are pleasingly confusing. You've baffled me this time.

    I applaud your ability to play. Play is the grandest joy I retain, especially as the burdens of an aging body begin to limit me.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    An interesting industrial type image. I'm not sure whether it's edited for selective color or whether the weather conditions created the selective colors of red and yellow amid the grays and browns. Either way, the big crane comprised of V's and the reflection hold interest as the X marks the spot. A leading line (and the snaking yellow tubing) pulls the eye from the lower left corner to the X, then lets the eye slide down the crane to the red thing buried in the debris. It is a good exercise in moving the eye through an image.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    Much like WhyNot's image, this photo tells a sad story that we would perhaps rather not read. It's morbidly beautiful, well composed - the frayed body against a circular womb of limbs and twigs. "Who Killed Cock Robin?" - we did. Well done.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    A simple commonly seen object set against lovely warm colors and shapes of muted greens and yellows, with the punctuation of the water drops. Well spotted, and nicely created.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    Lou, this is perfectly lovely. It has beautiful balance of form and color. The integration of an industrial scene into an artwork is just wonderful. The delicate bottles of differing heights and contrasting colors are balanced by the industrial but graceful form of the tower, and counterbalanced by the your tiny red logo on the left side of the window: even the logo has a role. This framing of the window and the rain droplets give mood and depth. This is quite wonderful. Print it. Frame it. Display it. Sell it as numbered limited edition prints. Teach classes with it. I am in awe of its perfection.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    This one is a visual nightmare for me with the neon purple snow and the off kilter horizon. The rest of it is pretty interesting, with the threatening cloud formation being exactly even with the seam on the water tower. But I'm not a fan of neon or purple, so I may be an unfair respondent on this one.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    An appealing sunset scene with deep muted oranges and blues (always work well together). The rim of bright light around the edge of the clouds is a nice extra. The little boat adds interest but it's hard to make out the details. I might experiment with raising the brightness in post, and getting some of the detail back.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    Nice buzzard.

  • Sagittariuspanorama_fish_eye
    725 posts
    a year ago

    Star Wars Lego

    [Star Wars Lego.jpg](/a/kakBl16phvErTbgC0VZboxkbDtRCVRfkReQr4AYzZLpo5zfkcbFWPZiqa7ubJ7Es/21686/?shva=1

    Star Wars Lego.jpg

    JPG, 2.3 MB, uploaded by Sagittarius a year ago.

  • WhyNotpanorama_fish_eye
    676 posts
    a year ago

    It was a throw away image not take with much thought beyond, "I wanna get better pictures at this location the second time I'm here." Not really worth more effort as the logo on the tower is not in the shot, making the image overall kinda blank.

    We seem to travel similar roads .....


    Beautiful bird in flight, if you don't look too close .. not so much at dinner, cleaning up the mess we frequently leave behind ...



    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by WhyNot a year ago.

  • OpenCubehelp_outline
    861 posts
    a year ago

    Yours is cooler. Mines all black even in color. They are quite boring to shoot unless there's carrion around. I missed a fantastic shot with them 2 years ago. It looked like a horror film cover.

    Sigh, the ones that get away.

  • WhyNotpanorama_fish_eye
    676 posts
    a year ago

    Mine is a Turkey Vulture .. The Black Vultures have even worse table manners and do congregate

    Black Vultures on a tower.jpg

    Black Vultures.jpg


    Black Vultures.jpg

    JPG, 1.8 MB, uploaded by WhyNot a year ago.

    Black Vultures on a tower.jpg

    JPG, 1.1 MB, uploaded by WhyNot a year ago.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    Cool pictures of those buzzards in the tower. I think that would be called a Committee. If they were circling in flight, they would be a kettle. If they were feeding the group would be called a wake. I am fascinated by the group names for animals.

    Buzzards do the work no one wants to do; I admire them and photograph them whenever I run into them.

  • OpenCubehelp_outline
    861 posts
    a year ago

    "14 Miles Away"



    JPG, 4.9 MB, uploaded by OpenCube a year ago.

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    816 posts
    a year ago


    Cool pictures of those buzzards in the tower. I think that would be called a Committee. If they were circling in flight, they would be a kettle. If they were feeding the group would be called a wake. I am fascinated by the group names for animals.

    Yes. Nouns of Multitude.

    Fascinating and wonderful.


  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1788 posts
    a year ago

    Ok you have reached your goal. It looks like a painting. It’s really nice. Well composed, great color. Love it. But please straighten it.

  • RoelHendrickxpanorama_fish_eye
    888 posts
    a year ago

    As a serious AFOL (adult fan of Lego) I am intrigued about this. Where did you see this build? Is it your own?

  • Sagittariuspanorama_fish_eye
    725 posts
    a year ago

    This was a Lego exhibit called Lego Land in Atlanta GA in 2015. In a month we will have lego museum opened. Hope to take some more pictures. Later I can post some more pictures if so desired.