We did a long and quite strenuous hike yesterday in the hot weather before an approaching thunderstorm.
The "Kalmthoutse Heide - Grenspark De Zoom" is a large nature reserve that is part in Belgium (north of Province Antwerp) and part in the Netherlands (south of Province North-Brabant). Our 20K hike took us across the border a few times. The terrain is sandy, with mostly low vegetation and some mixed woodlands. It feels almost like the savannah here and there. There are dunes with pine trees, large expanses of sand and a great number of bodies of water ("moers") that are partly natural depressions where water remains trapped, and partly man-made, from the times when peat was collected here for smoky fires.
This is a view (with Iphone 11) across one of the moers:

And this is the watchtower that I climbed to get that view (I would NOT go up there if the thunder and lightning storm was really imminent). The tower is 42 meters high (at the top of the antenna), with the top platform reserved for instruments and communication. The floor below it is for the park rangers and is manned when there is danger of wildfires, in order to quickly detect a problem if it arises - on a clear day there is a view of 10-15km in every direction. The floor at 24meters is accessible for casual viewers like me.