• Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    430 posts
    8 months ago

    The color of the sky is wrong in this photo.
    Based on the lighting conditions, the sky should have looked completely different.

  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    430 posts
    8 months ago

    Very good!

  • 8 months ago

    The answer in such circumstances is to use a tripod and a shift lens, though such suggestions dont seem to go down well here! 😀

  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    430 posts
    8 months ago

    There is no easy correction for this photo.
    The photographer had no other choice, he was standing very close to the building.
    A photo like this with prespective distortions can only be credibly corrected if you add a sufficient foreground during editing, i.e. AI.
    Everything I have seen so far looks half-baked.

  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    430 posts
    8 months ago

    I would love to have this with me whenever I'm on vacation...🤣

  • 1848 posts
    8 months ago

    Quite a wonderful building. The wide angle upward-focused approach is an effective alternative to a straightforward capture. You've always been able to make the most out of such scenes. An extra benefit to the wide angle capture in this image is the sky. Everything - architectural lines, cloud formation, shadows and highlights, all see to flow out of the clock, which is interesting. The blurry water drop is a bit of a distraction but as you pointed out, this one isn't for publication, and if you wanted to fight the blur, the little brush adjustment in LR set to dehaze would probably improve it sufficiently that it wouldn't be a bother. Nice one.

  • 1848 posts
    8 months ago

    A well spotted scene and well taken image. Having the boy highlighted as he cuts across the the rectangular light-forms is a brilliant compositional concept - highlighted main subject in a most unusual location but easily findable because of the powerful leading line of light. And just in case we miss him, he sits dead center in the crosshairs of the shadow lines. I do like Danno's edit which brings the shadowed surroundings more alive without sacrificing the emphasis on the boy. Nicely done.

  • 1848 posts
    8 months ago

    Beautiful rich complementary colors and textures, and a pleasing set of simple contrasting shapes make this a very satisfying image.

  • 1848 posts
    8 months ago

    Interesting photo essay that shows the fields set within their surrounds of mountains and sky, both of which are majestic in contrast to the simple farm atmosphere of the fields. I think I miss the colors, though. I've grown spoiled to the ridiculously beautiful colors you treat us to every week.

  • 1848 posts
    8 months ago

    This image is brought from mildly interesting to engaging by colorful paper lanterns you've included in the composition. They pull our eyes in a zigzag formation through the entire photo, and while traveling about, we notice other items of interest: the graffiti on the ground, the booth in the background, the fellow in the red shirt. Red has visual weight and you've used it well here.

  • 1848 posts
    8 months ago

    What a wonderful moment! I am of two minds about the resulting image. In one mind, I am bothered visually by the blurred hand of the baby. In my more creative mind, however, I am enchanted by the way his blurred hand encircles his mother's eye, and her bland expression about the whole affair. Lovely animal family.

  • 1848 posts
    8 months ago

    Really nice action image that has plenty of tension and excitement, bright colors and contrast. One of those photos that looks better if you don't enlarge it, as there's something a bit wonky going on with the edges around the subject if you pixel peep, making me wonder if the background has been altered (which I have no objection to - I love tinkering with images).

  • 1848 posts
    8 months ago

    Wonderful nature-in-action image. Beautiful bird captured quite sharply. Poor short tailed mouse.

  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    430 posts
    8 months ago

    minniev, I beg you!
    There is no such family.
    We don't always have to be so diplomatic.
    My opinion: simply very bad photomontage.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    8 months ago

    Thank you Kumsal.

    Posting an opinion that the sky appears wrong on your screen doesn’t really mean much unless you post a version that looks correct on your screen.

    In any case the sky is very easy to alter in this scene so if anyone wanted the image for any reason they can alter it to whatever looks better to them.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    8 months ago

    I disagree with your opinion as shown earlier.

  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    430 posts
    8 months ago

    The question is not what I see on my screen, I see the colors pretty correctly on my screen anyway.
    The question is: what went wrong with a Photoshop artist that the color of the sky looks so unnatural.

  • Kumsalpanorama_fish_eye
    430 posts
    8 months ago

    I disagree with your opinion too.
    What you showed is worse than the original.