It's about composition and colors.
In this photo it's worked, simple but effective, I like it.
I posted an updated version. It's a few posts above on this page.
It's about composition and colors.
In this photo it's worked, simple but effective, I like it.
I posted an updated version. It's a few posts above on this page.
Food For Thought.
May I encourage everyone who participates in the Weekly C&C thread to check the following link and then follow up by reading the connection to the blog.
The Forum has left Dan.
Thank you for your thoughts Andrew ๐
Food For Thought.
May I encourage everyone who participates in the Weekly C&C thread to check the following link and then follow up by reading the connection to the blog.
The Forum has left Dan.
Thread is now in the Dumpster where it belongs ๐. If interested in the rubbish that went on there and you don't have access to the Dumpster you need to ask Alan to give you access
@19andrew47 has written: @minniev has written:In Memory of a friend -
I'd like to get some helpful suggestions before I make a print for the family of my friend and neighbor Sylvester who died last week. I took this a few weeks before his death. His family really liked this casual shot because Sylvester, though always full of joy, usually pulled a serious face whenever his picture was taken. So I want to make a decent print for his mom and son. I'm sorry I didn't have a better lens on the camera at the time but it is what it is in terms of capture and I never dreamed I wouldn't have more opportunities.
I'd like feedback on the crop, color, possible repairs, etc. I am attaching an uncropped version so you can see what other real estate is available or even show me what you think I should do. (I cropped out my brother and some of the extraneous area of the yard and tractor). I am undecided about fixing things. Do I repair the dental bridge Sylvester kept putting off? Do I remove the cooling towel under his hat and the dust mask around his neck or just consider them part of what he was doing at the moment (working with his much-beloved tractor). Do I clean up the background or ignore it? I don't want to get it too pristine because a man who works a farm is never pristine. Thanks in advance for your ideas.
It is difficult to lose friends and family Paula. Sylvester looks much too young to leave life and he is obviously happy on his green machine.
For your crop I would leave a tad more on the left side so as not to abbreviate the fender. As I recall you are using PS. Assuming you are on the cloud plan with the Ai abilities you could ask it to remove your brother from the image. It does a pretty good job of that sort of thing from the examples I have seen. I could not do it manually and get a decent result. If you do have it and you can get it to do a good job then I would crop the image as shown in the example below. I also like the close up crop that was shown that crops out most of the tractor. Dan's result is good too but I have no idea what the family will like and they may prefer a more straight up image.
I am sure you will make an excellent choice as always.
I am glad to hear from someone who loves vehicles and can appreciate Sylvester's love for this beautiful green machine. I like the idea of including a bit more of the vehicle for the part it played in his life, which was significant. Not entirely sure about the blur edge. Like I told Dan, Sylvester's mom is even older than me so is on the traditional side and I want to please her first of all. It does call more attention to that trademark smile though.
I only blurred the edges to cover up the very poor job of removing your brother from the image Paula. I thought that because the tractor was important including a bit more was the way to go, but only if a credible job can be made on the removal. Adobe LR now has the Ai removal/fill capabilities in the cloud version and it would look very natural if it works. No guarantees but it does work quickly and results I have seen are exceptional.
This gives an idea of the size of the hall and shows the openings above the green lower parts of the wall, which provided the light to create the โarchesโ in my photo.
Well, I was going to add more photos, but for some unknown reason the process is very hit and miss at the moment. Bandwidth? In any case I will have to leave it there. Sorry.
Delightful pastel layer cake of a structure with all its intricacies and delicate touches. I've enjoyed studying the nooks and crannies on this one, and I want to explore it myself! I think it could benefit from a bit of straightening, that bright arch on the right is a bit distracting with the tilt.
@PeteS has written:This gives an idea of the size of the hall and shows the openings above the green lower parts of the wall, which provided the light to create the โarchesโ in my photo.
Well, I was going to add more photos, but for some unknown reason the process is very hit and miss at the moment. Bandwidth? In any case I will have to leave it there. Sorry.
Delightful pastel layer cake of a structure with all its intricacies and delicate touches. I've enjoyed studying the nooks and crannies on this one, and I want to explore it myself! I think it could benefit from a bit of straightening, that bright arch on the right is a bit distracting with the tilt.
Yes, it could definitely use some straightening. I was having so many issues, it was simply as taken on the phone with zero processing.