• 1810 posts
    7 months ago

    There is nothing dramatic here. A carefully crafted image of a simple, peaceful scene. Horizontal lines always suggest tranquility and here there are four of them. I feel that you have the proportions of each about right. The weight to the right of the image plus the radial lines from the clouds also taking the eyes to the right. is balanced by the extended lines to the left. The laws of fulcrums and levers seem to work visually as well. I reckon the smallboat is a tad to the left of the visual fulcrum point. The sense of balance contributes a lot to the mood of the image.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    7 months ago

    That was the whole idea, so "Mission accomplished!!".

  • 1810 posts
    7 months ago

    I agree with everyone about the need for a bit more detail back from the shadows. I prefer the somewhat darker version from Dan. This is a photo that wants to look natural and the first variation is too bright unless the bird was fixed in a searchlight.
    Bryan, I'm not familiar with your camera and how it reads different lighting. The sky also looks a bit oversaturated. If you try similar shots again you could experiment with exposing to the right a little.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    Personally, a bit too much red, but...it's the prerogative of an image taker to interpret what they see.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    7 months ago

    Thank you Chris. This image is actually an edited composite as described a few posts back.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    Not trying to be negative, but...it's a very busy image. I know you had a vision, but so many elements are here at play and it only works as a docu shot, for me at least. Sorry.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    That's the problem with the existing setup:
    Threaded vs flat. Hopefully we will have a solution in the fall or winter...

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    7 months ago

    That's why I normally start from the last post and work my way back through the thread.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    Great shot. New meaning to the term "wind swept". You certainly captured the essence of sand movement in this environment.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    If I have to choose one, that is my fave.
    They are all great images, but this is the one I would print, frame and hang. Brilliant colours. Well done. Pic of the week anybody?

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    Peace and serenity. Enough said.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    Brilliant interpretation in very natural environment.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    Graceful bif.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    Very intriguing and interesting place to have a meal. Good shot.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    7 months ago

    Great assortment of detailed images of the gear for fishing afficionado. Well captured.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1849 posts
    7 months ago

    There is no better location for a Peace monument than overlooking the ruins of past wars. So much is lost when we resort to war, for whatever noble or ignoble reasons. The wide angle slant works for me here, and I'm not usually fond of it. I like the contrast between the stylized lion and the more distant dove. Compositionally, the shapes work well, the off centered obelisk within the keyhole arch opening, with other arch motifs on the lower edge. Nice memorial image.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1849 posts
    7 months ago

    Excellent image. Good example of how to make a fine photograph out of a barren landscape. The subject is, instead of the landscape itself, the wind. The key is in the line leading up the dune, and in the movement as the sand blows off the top of the dune at the end point of that line. The colors are lovely, not too intense but rich enough to get benefit of the complementary tones. Dynamic composition that grabs my attention quickly even though there's not all that much in it.

  • minnievpanorama_fish_eye
    1849 posts
    7 months ago

    It's a pleasing scene that has a soothing effect - the angled, perfectly matched adirondacks, the exactly bisected balance of the composition, the cool blues, the receding clouds all work well together to create a mood. The water would have rendered better with your "real" camera, but otherwise it could easily be an ad for a travel brochure.