• MikeFewsterpanorama_fish_eye
    1789 posts
    4 months ago

    Another admiring response from me.
    If I was shown this image and told to come up with a word, it's very likely that I would have used the same word as the OP, "serenity." It's an outcome of all the horizontal lines, a perfect reflection that can only happen on a still moment and the subdued colours. The hints of pink and the golden brown centre strip warm the image slightly. It's enough so the photo doesn't suggest cold. Cool, but still comfortable and comfort goes with peace. There's no one element that demands our attention, it's all working together in a relaxed way.

    I was puzzled by the bird reference and thought I had missed something. Thanksgiving isn't a big event in Australia. I got there, eventually.

  • 1841 posts
    4 months ago

    Welcome to our Wednesday fest! A lovely submission for sure. Roel has discussed several attractive alternative crops/compositions so I won't repeat them, but will point out what I like about this one. I like the balance of a centered composition for this one because of the equivalent geometry of the implied "X" shape created by the cloud formations and their reflection with that big mountain at the cross point. The colors are beautiful and kudos for keeping them subtle and not giving in to the temptation to ramp them up too much: the warm shoreline with sharper contrast quickly gives way to the beautifully blended pastels of the sky and water. Really nice, should be printed and displayed.

  • RoelHendrickxpanorama_fish_eye
    916 posts
    4 months ago

    When I use expressions like "it is strange" etc, there is no need to take that literally.
    It's not that I am totally amazed by the fact that images invite different reactions from different people.
    I like to use hyperbole.
    And it was just funny that the dog was the element that really split the opinions.

    The second point I was making is that I had not even noticed the distortion myself (probably because I shoot wide angle (and fisheye) more than the average photographer, and I like the effects wide angle create, INCLUDING distortion (or at least : REGARDLESS of distortion. That is why it is always a revelation and a wake-up call for me when people seem to notice the distortion more than the subject or the overall impression an image makes.

    That is one of the things that is so great about this weekly thread : the confrontation between different views and priorities in photography.

  • Fireplace33panorama_fish_eye
    1184 posts
    4 months ago

    These are all really good. My 2 favourites are above
    I like the subject, composition and processing you've used here.
    I know you like shooting into the sun and it worked again here too with that well placed sunstar.
    The first one above has beautiful colours, with a nice combination of light and shadow.

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    833 posts
    4 months ago

    Hello mtgoatee, welcome to the fray!

    Wonderful image and wonderful story.

    Your opportunity to get this image may have been delayed until now, but the wait appears to have been worth the prize! Of the many moods that this scene probably can display, you've nailed this one.

    Nice work.


  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    3 months ago

    Yep.....as I have said several times, people see and interpret images differently and your photo is a great example showing that.

    Rich42's photo is another example.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    3 months ago

    With the back-story attached to the image, the creases and folds in the cloth make sense.

    But if it was a standalone image on display without any back-story, I suspect the creases and folds could be seen as being a little "sloppy" during set up by some people, including me.

    Personally, I would have flattened and straightened the cloth before taking a photo, even with the back-story.

    Each to their own I guess 🙂

  • Andrew546panorama_fish_eye
    236 posts
    3 months ago

    St Andrews West Beach, late November.




    JPG, 408.3 KB, uploaded by Andrew546 3 months ago.


    JPG, 860.8 KB, uploaded by Andrew546 3 months ago.

  • DanHasLeftForumhelp_outline
    4254 posts
    3 months ago

    Very calming and soothing scenes with lovely colours complementing each other.

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    833 posts
    3 months ago

    Hi, Andrew

    Beautiful beach scenes.

    Where is St. Andrew’s West beach?


  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    3 months ago

    I believe, Scotland ...

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1532 posts
    3 months ago

    First shot is particularly pleasing to the eye. Those waves are just exquisite.

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    833 posts
    3 months ago

    Ah, yes. Should've Googled!


  • xpatUSApanorama_fish_eye
    730 posts
    3 months ago

    Long, long ago, I spent a few weeks on detachment with Vulcan bombers to the RAF Station there.

  • 1841 posts
    3 months ago

    These are beautiful. Scottish beaches are amazing. I have not seen this one but it looks like “Chariots of Fire”. Wonderfully captured, especially the first one. Magical.

  • Andrew546panorama_fish_eye
    236 posts
    3 months ago

    Ta. Low sun, doesn't burn of the cloud, soft diffuse light, quite lovely if you get the right sort of day.

    To the west of St Andrews... 😀

    The home of golf, Fife Scotland. It actually starts by the 18th green on the old course and one of the other courses runs right alongside.



    Ah, now, though it was set in Broadstairs, Kent it was actually filmed on this very beach.

    P.s. Forgot to mention, iPhone - messed with in Afterlight, resized in PS.

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    833 posts
    4 months ago



  • Fireplace33panorama_fish_eye
    1184 posts
    4 months ago

    The first is really nice. With gentle colours, the lines and patterns in the sand echoing the waves and leading you further into the image toward that brighter place in the clouds near the horizon. Nice too how that brighter patch of sky is reflecting in the flat receding water.