Ha, sense and sensibility.
Yes, definitely better, much better. Just right. Someone should have a word with York council people and advise against garish colours which spoil the atmosphere and impression of a classic old town image (imho).
The artwork on the building is fascinating, As is the old industrial site. But the charm of the image is the youngster on a circuitous path, symbolic and concrete, in front of the place. Children everywhere feel compelled to mount a raised path and walk along it. The primary color doors are an extra point of interest. Nice catch.
What a beautiful image! Reminds me of something Galen Rowell might have photographed, with those rich complementary colors and breath-taking scenery. The river (?) looks like molten gold.The southwest US has the most amazing sunsets.
Love these. All of them are beautiful and together they make a fine collection. The delicate lacework of frost is not exactly easy to capture, either, so I know the care that must have gone into these. The last one makes me smile. The first one makes me wish I'd taken it: wonderful and creatively achieved.
Interesting discussion and a wide array of versions of the image. I'll speak to your submitted version and your edit where you removed the color from the tables. They are the same image but not really. The first version is anchored by color: the color of the bright cloths of the vendor's table, and the gaudy picnic tables in crayon box colors, which are connected by strong leading diagonal lines from the upper and lower right corners. These shapes and colors dominate this version. Your edit where you removed the color from the gaudy tables is not really about color at all; even though the vendor's cloth is still there, it isn't dominant. Instead, this version is about architecture, and suddenly the old building behind the picnic tables becomes the star of the show, and the lines lead to it instead of to the tables. I like the second version best, but that may be because old buildings are so interesting to me.
Intriguing comparison, thanks for bringing this up, it's a great way to discuss visual design.
A beautiful image with what seems a perfect choice in capture speed. The water is dramatic, tumultuous, but neither stopped dead nor turnt to milk. The contrast with the rich colors and triangular shapes in the background landform is lovely and mysterious, since we cannot find a clue anywhere as to the size of the scene. Great rhythm and balance.
The color treatment and editing look like a 1934 postcard, a look I love. The slight curve of the horizon line is visually appealing too.There's a lovely and dramatic sky, and matching wedges of sea on either side. Quite nice.
For you to place me in the company of Galen Rowell has made my Millennium! I have one of his original, untitled C-prints of an Arizona slot canyon I bought in the early 1980s before he had become well-known. It was $75 then, matted and framed! That didn't last long!
I read Mountain Light so many times after I bought it that I eventually memorized it.