It’s your real Berlin - Background info
Here is a bit of background information on my photo this week, starting with the title.
I normally spend some time thinking of a title, which may give clues to what I am trying to say with the image.
The subject is rather odd, with a streetlight and a motorcycle and rider seemingly falling from the sky behind it, so in trying to explain it, the viewer might think it was a composite of multiple images, however, although the photo has seen plenty of post-processing, the scene was exactly as shown, so “It’s your real Berlin”.
The point behind the image was that it was mysterious, dream-like and difficult to comprehend, giving the viewer something to think about. If you say the title quickly, it sounds like “It’s surreal Berlin”, which is what the image is trying to be.
So how was it taken?
I visited a rooftop café in Berlin and was surrounded by interesting architecture, and in one direction I was intrigued by buildings with many vertical lines. One had a screen showing adverts in a loop, mostly pretty faces and smiling teeth, but also one involving a motorcycle stunt, and the idea of a building with a falling motorcycle on it was bizarre enough to whet my appetite, so I waited for the loop to show it again before pressing the shutter button. Photographically, I was travelling light that day, with a couple of primes, so could not zoom in. As you can see below, the photo as taken doesn’t really work.

Like Minnie, I too squirrel away my failures, and sometimes rescue them with better software and skills or, as here, by playing photographer a second time, using the crop tool to remove the unnecessary, and effectively be the telephoto that I didn’t have at the time. That left me with this image, which is what I was going to post on this thread originally. (I am always pleasantly surprised at how well the sharpness of the el cheapo Olympus plastic fantastic 45mm (90mm FF field of view) stands up to considerable cropping.)

At the last minute I decided that if I wanted a surreal image, I should go all the way and remove the last clues to the objective world, leaving a beautifully ornate lamp, a falling motorcycle and rider and a line, which usefully aided the balance of the composition. Bizarre and interesting!
I came up with two versions. This one …..

…. and this one, which I posted.