One of the beauties of photography unless you are in a studio and have complete control - in many situations you have to work with what is in front of you. In a the forest you can't cut down a tree to get the perfect vantage point. You have to work around it. On the street you can't direct people where to go - unless they are actors and you pay them.
Yep - you can't move someone else's bike but it would make a good subject. So the challenge comes in working around the other limitations in the scene. While I am not a complete disciple of Henri "Thou Shall Not Crop" Cartier Bresson, I do adhere to his philosophy of working with the scene as is to tell your story because the totality of the scene is the environment in which the story takes place. BTW, from time to time HCB did instruct his technicians to crop an image in the printing, but only as a last resort to save the image. I will crop and change aspect ratios, "the world does not conveniently fit in a 2x3 frame" as said by Eugene Smith. I am not a fan of image manipulation.
In you bike image, the creation of the tension of the bike running the length of the frame - plus the from chrome focused the eye directly to the lines and forms and stark tonality difference between the chrome and the seat and fenders. The converging liens of the tile help that process. These eliminated the eye being captured by the somewhat distracting background. When you are handed lemons, make lemonade.