Maggie Too in her slip in Ocracoke harbor:
A nice off-shore catch by one of our slip-mates:
Looking across the circular harbor from our slip at the lighthouse:
View of the southern end of the island from offshore. Sailing was a bit more, umm... "sporty" than I would have liked. Winds are even higher today - I think it will be a beach day. Don't want any more near-death experiences like last year.
Looking up Howard Street - a very old, hard-packed sand road in town with ancient graveyards and houses on each side and massive live oaks as a roof. One of Nancy's favorite shopping venues.
This Confederate soldier's grave is on Howard Steet, but there are small graveyards scattered all over the island. Imagine what he saw in his lifetime.
Old house:
The same lighthouse (1823 - second oldest in the US) from dry land late in the day.
Last night's sunset from the yard of an empty multi-million dollar home. Can't afford the house, but the view is free.
