Thanks, Jerry. Never thought about a frog but it makes sense.
Thanks, Jerry. Never thought about a frog but it makes sense.
I see. But no, it is simply the effect of erosion on the boulders that led to the formation of the granite pinnacle.
In the park
Good one.
Learning (quite slowly) how to use the new site...
A Very Hungry Egret
Getting pretty hot for a few days and the wildflowers may whither away. Went to the San Jacinto Wildlife Refuge. First time and I don't live that far away. Fascinating area. Came across a very interesting (and not very concerned about my being there) egret who was feasting in the marsh. I will post a set later because I got some other interesting shots, including the colorful vegetation. However this creature was all by his lonesome and having a good time. So was I because I am not a birder. But I may become one.... hear me, Morris? OOC jpeg with a skosh more sharpening w/Topaz. Be sure to blow it up and tell me what's in the beak.
Nice Bob. I think it has a small fish though that could be capillary action and some water.
Flight of the Great Horned Owl
Around sunset, the mother of the GHO chicks I've been showing becomes active and flies from tree to tree always landing in a place where she has a view of the nest. In this case she went from a very tall oak tree to a pine tree and I captured her in the last glow of the sunset. Using 40 FPS allowed me to have some frames were she was mostly visible as there were trees between us.
1) Launch
X-H2S NIKON AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR lens 500mm f/5.6 1/1600s 6400 ISO +2.0 EV
2) Descending
X-H2S NIKON AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR lens 500mm f/5.6 1/1600s 6400 ISO +2.0 EV
3) Continuing to descend
X-H2S NIKON AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR lens 500mm f/5.6 1/1600s 6400 ISO +2.0 EV
4) Leveling out
X-H2S NIKON AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR lens 500mm f/5.6 1/1600s 6400 ISO +2.0 EV
5) Uncropped image showing what I was shooting through
X-H2S NIKON AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR lens 500mm f/5.6 1/1600s 6400 ISO +2.0 EV
Comments and suggestions welcome,
Morning all,
We have recently returned from a Belize birding trip. Neither I nor my wife are "rabid" birders, but enjoy birdwatching when we can. But the trip was also an opportunity to away from all the daily rigamarole that makes up daily life. Of the photos I have processed so far this is my favorite.
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks lined up for a pic.
The problem with bird pictures is that we see so many of them that it’s difficult to make one that stands out. This image does. Nice capture. Great story here.
Foulque Macroul, pond of the park, Rennes, France
Very nice. It looks a lot like an American Coot.
and the mallards
The female is my faverate Bob. It has a nice sharp eye.
Here are a few pictures trying out the 100- 400 Fuji with the 1.4 TC on my Xh2s- I am pleased with the IQ - the light wasnt the best
Good looking set in nice soft light.