It's great to see old 'friends' and new arrivals to the EOS M forum in DPRevived! Rather than each new member creating a new thread, to foster a sense of community, why don't each of us introduce ourselves in a common thread, to avoid cluttering up this forum? I'll start.
I'm Larry Rexley, from over in the dpreview threads (not my real name). I'm in Tampa Florida, have been using the M system for over two years and love the form factor, usability, and especially the M6ii feature set -- sort of my life-long photography dream come-true camera. I have all the native Canon M lenses plus as many third-party lenses, some of them EF telephotos that I use with the Canon EF - EOS M adapter.
I like to shoot city scapes, birds, sunsets, astrophotography, and lots of railroad photography and video using 'M'. I am the 'Tampa Train Guy' over on YouTube, and everything posted there is shot with the M system.
I have special interest in shooting infrared, and like to post and read about post-processing images. I feel that post-processing is as much a part of the process, and of the fun of photography, as using the camera. I'm a big fan of DxO PhotoLab 6 with its Deep Prime de-noise, and DxO Viewpoint for perspective correction, having created several DxO threads at on processing techniques.
I encourage other members to post in this thread to let us know a little about who you are and what you like to shoot, and what you like about M!