• Members 2366 posts
    April 22, 2024, 7:51 a.m.

    but all mechenics can build ther own cars the same as any carpenter can build there own house and shipwrights can build there own yacht. but an Architect or engineer cant do any of those things because they dont have the practical experience or trade qualifacations. trust me i know ,my business partner is an architect and he couldnt paint a door to save his life 😂

  • Members 4254 posts
    April 22, 2024, 7:59 a.m.

    But the mechanic uses components designed to do the job by people much more highly qualified.

    Read my post more carefully.

    I said just because someone can build or fix something does not make them an expert in everything related to that thing.

    The same applies to the other trades.

  • Members 273 posts
    April 22, 2024, 1:12 p.m.

    I'm not armchair mathematician, I'm a research scientist for a living. I'm also in a field related to meteorology (wind energy).

    Myself, John, Eric, and everyone else against you are all correct, and you are wrong. It's really that simple.

    I don't understand how anyone could think doing larger block averages (which is all larger pixels do) is a more accurate approach than shorter (spatially or temporarily, doesn't matter) samples. If it were so, I wouldn't spend tens of thousands of dollars on high-performance sonic anemometers instead of cups when I need high-fidelity measurements of the wind. According to you, a LIDAR which samples a huge volume is more accurate than a sonic anemometer precisely because it samples a larger volume when, in reality, the opposite is the case.

  • Members 697 posts
    April 22, 2024, 7:04 p.m.

    Don, you're not doing yourself any favors. With the absolute bare minimum of "do your own research", you would have found:


    I'm a doctor in atmospheric physics, now working as a multimedia science journalist and presenter. I worked at Nature for over three years, producing video and co-hosting the award-winning Nature Podcast. I'm now working on a variety of freelance projects across media and scientific disciplines.


    And yet your focus is on his fingernails painted green, which is a perfect example of why the "do your own research" and "I know someone who..." crowd are wreaking havoc on the world with how they vote. Again, I need to make it crystal clear that skepticism is absolutely healthy and I am absolutely NOT saying to merely take the word of what a scientist says (I mean, how many times have scientists/doctors been wrong?). But I am saying that, based on what you have said about this particular climate scientist's nail color and guesses about his education, when the details are easily found with the absolute minimum of effort, well, actually, I'll be kind and not say. And the same, of course, goes for your take on big pixels vs small pixels, for the same reasons, really.


    PNG, 58.4 KB, uploaded by GreatBustard on April 22, 2024.

  • Members 2366 posts
    April 22, 2024, 9:21 p.m.

    give us a break GB. the climate prediction for eastcoast of australia summer 23 24 was for the dryest on record 😂😂 it hasnt stopped raining 😂 my yard is the greenest its been in 17 years and i have to mow twice a week. farmers are very pissed off as they have lost 100s of millions because they either sold off livestock and not planed for an extra wet season. and your trying to tell me my opinions are wrong 🤪as i said they have very little experience period, wonder if leejay was on that board of so called educated scientists that screwed the farmers 😁🫣 if i build a house and it falls down i get sued, but a so called climate scientist or what ever that is makes a huge mistake they blame it on ,my computer must of malfunctioned 😂😂

  • Members 4254 posts
    April 22, 2024, 9:36 p.m.

    We had a very dry and warm Jan, Feb and Mar in the south-east of Australia where we live. April has been wet.

    Can you post a screenshot or link of the Bureau of Meterology's summer temperature and rainfall figures for the area you live in?

  • Members 697 posts
    April 22, 2024, 10:08 p.m.

    You should really watch, and, more importantly, pay attention to what he is saying. No climate scientist -- not a single one -- is even remotely saying that they can predict the weather in any given place at any given time. In fact, in the video, he made a crucial point about the difference between climate and weather predictions.

    Your "counter-argument" is like a billionaire who got richer during the pandemic laughing at all the people who find themselves in a significantly worse financial situation. In case the analogy is not crystal clear, I'll spell it out: the fact that the weather is great in a particular area (or particular places) at a particular time (or over a particular time period) has absolutely zero relevance with regards to climate change, in the same way that there are people whose financial situation remains relatively the same (or even improves) as the financial situation for the vast majority worsens.

    The absolute fact of the matter is that the planet as a whole is warming up directly as a result of human activity, and the rate of warming is unprecedented in the history of the planet. The particulars of it, however, are still far from certain, and climate scientists are working their butts off to make better and better predictions. I mean, if you went to a doctor, and that doctor told you to modify your diet or you're going to have a heart attack, stroke, become diabetic, etc., but that doctor couldn't tell you exactly when it would happen or how bad it would be, and you know people who eat far worse than you do and are just fine, would you say the doctor is full of it? 'Cause that's exactly what you are doing with regards to what the climate scientists are saying.

  • Members 4254 posts
    April 22, 2024, 11:46 p.m.

    Exactly!!, and if DonaldB has actually studied meteorology as he claims he would have known the difference between climate and weather.

    I suspect him occasionally watching the weather channel somewhere on pay TV is the meteorology study he refers to.

  • Members 2366 posts
    April 23, 2024, 3 a.m.

    The glaciers of galacer bay in alaska had a mass receiding / melting phase 250 years ago well before the modern industrialization of humans 🤔🙄 how do i know ,well my last yacht i built is currently sailing around the world so im tracking its progress via satilite and resurching data and history along the way 😊 please do tell me if "aries" is stationary or not eg: celestial navigation, and as always no one even mentions the magnetic reversal (variation) and the rotating enomolies of the planets and the sun 😎 i wonder why 🤔thats right they are getting paid to do research that has nothing to do with anything. my comercial yacht i built had licences as a research and education vessel . I am a qualified ships captain and an offshore and ocean sailing master / instructor . i teach coastal and ocean meteorology and ocean ography ,coastal and celestial navigation, i have logged 70,000 nm and lived on my comercial yachts for 20 years in the "real world" not in an office 🤪i also hold a amature radio operators lic and worked for apple as a systems designer in the 80s, there is more but im not bragging yet 😁

  • Members 2366 posts
    April 23, 2024, 3:10 a.m.

    heres my data sheet , 2 days since cutting the lawn 😎



    JPG, 10.7 MB, uploaded by DonaldB on April 23, 2024.

  • Members 2366 posts
    April 23, 2024, 3:14 a.m.

    hey Danno explain "lapse rates" and the importance in any weather or climate measuring or predicting situation and why its not used widly at all.

  • Members 4254 posts
    April 23, 2024, 4:37 a.m.

    Explain why?

    I am sure you are capable of googling it just like anyone else.

  • Members 2366 posts
    April 23, 2024, 4:43 a.m.

    do you think id post a question that chatgbt, google or even wikipedia could answer 😎

  • Members 4254 posts
    April 23, 2024, 5:44 a.m.

    Surely you're not suggesting an explanation of lapse rates related to weather is nowhere to be seen on the Internet, are you?

    Occasionally watching a weather channel and googling a few aspects of meteorology doesn't qualify you as even close to an expert in meteorology.

  • Members 167 posts
    April 23, 2024, 6:09 a.m.

    In what way is that piece of info useful? Does it tell us anything about the global status during that period? Were at least 85% of all the world's glaciers receding then, as is currently happening?

    In most all cases, 'doing your own research' is just code for choosing what you prefer to believe. We read things, we watch videos, we have discussions with people, but of course we don't read everything that's written, we don't watch all videos, and we don't discuss things with all people. We expose ourselves to a tiny subset of information, mostly from sources we already trust, preserve the bits that we most like believing, throw out the bits that we prefer not to believe, and reserve a few other in-between bits for possible later consideration.

  • Members 236 posts
    April 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.

    What can I say but the popcorn ran out. Any sure was a big tub on this thread...

    You scientists, (the real ones, the ones who failed the door painting test) actually stood back from this and seen the real nonsense being posted here?

    Lapse rates not used? Are we sure about that? I'm only an amateur but seems to me it's a major tool. So @DonaldB how come Thickness lines only appear on the longer range Surface Pressure charts, why are they not included on the 24hr charts?

    So the architect couldn't learn if he decided to put his mind to it? Same way a painter and decorator can learn how to work out the structural loads in suspension bridges. I am a builder and "built" (had a team design and build with some help from me) my own house...

    As a stand alone event or in relation to the previous rapid expansion/mini ice-age?

    Glacier Bay's Glacial History

    P.s. You may want to look at the industrial revolution as a historic event, i.e. actual dates before you venture "well before", just a thought...

    Designed and build by yourself, alone, in your shed? Just curious if you painted the doors as well?

    I'd really like to believe you. I built my house, I've sailed and am quite competent though never did my Yacht Masters, my dad was a weatherman and hence my amateur interest, I play guitar as well. So:

    I think we're past the flat Earth theories. TBH, like a couple of others on forums, rather than being objective and open minded, you seem to be simply just trying to prove yourself correct. The "facts" don't stack up and appear to be cherry picked in isolation, misunderstood as to relevance, or plainly wrong. They are not presented in a way so as to further the discussion or clarify any point but are rather used to confuse confound and defeat the contrary opinions.

    What is the point of this? I mean most rational people can see the BS here, the nonsensical arguments. I don't believe coastal weather patterns or how often I cut my lawn really has anything to do with many experts opinion on continental trends. I didn't judge our architects competency by how well he painted doors.

    But I'm open to considered reasoning as to why I might consider doing so.

    But I'm not seeing it here, I'm not seeing anything useful here.

  • Members 2366 posts
    April 23, 2024, 12:04 p.m.

    you know how silly the whole climate change caused by humans is. the scientists recon the sea is rising due to ice shelfs melting right ! well more than 90% of the structure is under water, and when ice melts its shrinks 😂😂🤔 it gets funnier every day.

  • Members 2366 posts
    April 23, 2024, 12:17 p.m.

    yes all 8,000 hours of it with my bare hands, with raw material. wealth is knowledge not money. and it was built in commercial ocean survey. in not a pen pusher, my 5th house i built, i didnt get even a labourour to help lift anything i built the whole house by myself and that was every trade 😎