Stuff can be discussed endlessly. Only fair requirement is to stay civil and ontopic. No arguing about audioengineering, portfolio or yachts for multiple PAGES EACH! 😂
Skipping over subtopics is easy - with a threaded view. Once one decides there is a rabbit hole they don't want to follow any longer, stay out of that particular tree branch.
or the endless debates about exposure that went out of date the day cameras came out with internal metering and photographers stopped using light meters.😁
current explanation by the masses.
exposure = Functional Stupidity
I don't know if this thread has gone off topic, I didn't read the whole thing, but in response to the first post: I mainly lurk here but have been more active the last few days. I found a post that I could contribute to and did. Instead of seeing the conversation continue to develop, I see it has gone on a rant about exposure triangles. My post I wrote? I should not have bothered. I really do not care for threads that go off topic. It may be the way of the internet but I personally believe that either we hold our ground on the way things should be or the alternative is to throw our hands up in the air and let it grow more into chaos. A chaos that will drive people away and frustrate those that are looking for meaningful discussions.
Have we gone to a place where it is too much for a moderator or admin to snip it off and recover the thread? I wonder.
Hey, that's just the Internet. Don't let it discourage you, remember that it's not just the thread responders who see your post but also all the lurkers as well. Think of them the next time you're considering whether or not to contribute.
Also, and this is just my personal preference, I don't mind threads going off onto tangents sometimes. That's occasionally where I learn some of the most interesting things. Perhaps that's because I'm of an older generation where it was up to the listener to filter what he wanted to heed, not to the speaker to make sure he didn't accidentally offend anyone.