• reddottpanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    I bought into digital medium format this past November purchasing a Hasselblad X2D. I've been a Leica shooter for the past 12 years and had an M10 and M246 Monochrom when I got the X2D. I sold the Mono and some lenses to help offset the cost of the X2D. I'm finding this camera very usable and shoot it much like I would the M10 and as a consequence, haven't used with my Leica since November. I'm thinking I don't need two niche cameras at this point and might be better off selling the Leica equipment and maybe getting something that is weather sealed and maybe a bit lighter.

    I'd be interested to know what other forum members are using to compliment their medium format system and why. I'm not a professional, don't make money with photography and mostly shoot as a hobby.


  • JimKassonpanorama_fish_eye
    1738 posts
    2 years ago

    Z9, Q2M.

  • AlanGpanorama_fish_eye
    60 posts
    2 years ago

    Nikons. D810 and D500.

  • DavidMillierpanorama_fish_eye
    514 posts
    2 years ago

    My GFX complements my m4/3 mostly. It seems ideal for the long exposure work I do from a tripod. Too bulky and heavy for convenient walk around for my feeble limbs and back. My Lumix is ideally suited for this, although the kit lens encourages the GFX into hand on occasions.

  • DonCoxpanorama_fish_eye
    280 posts
    2 years ago

    When I was shooting medium format film, I complemented the Mamiya Press with an Olympus half frame camera.

    I've never shot medium format digital, and probably never will, as 24x36mm digital is higher quality than 6x9cm film.


  • reddottpanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    Jim and Alan - I was thinking about the Nikon Z7 ii, so good to see you guys using Nikon. Q2M would be a definite 3d camera. The files off the Monochrom were great to work with.

    David and Don - I just saw a friend who has a LUMIX G9. Really nice camera and small size and weight.

  • StanDisbrowpanorama_fish_eye
    460 posts
    2 years ago


    Currently, the Nikon Df alongside the Pentax 645D.

    I have a large set of Nikkor lenses dating back to 1970 and the F2 days. About half are manual focus.

    The #3 camera is a Kodak DCS 760c. APS-H, 6 MP, ISO 80-400. Used to be part of a three sided Kodak solution. The other two being a DCS 720x 2 MP ISO 400-6400 and a Kodak Proback on a Contax 645 - 16 MP ISO 80-400.

    Before that, my film MF was a Mamiya 645 and that worked along with a Nikon FA and, later, a F4.

    So, when I bought the Df at 16 MP both the Contax 645 w/ ProBack and DCS 720x became surplus. I kept the 760c for my secondary unit. And it's still here. Gets outside once in a while still.


  • reddottpanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    Wow Stan - I'd love to see some pictures off that Kodak Proback. When did you get it? I used to have an F2 with quite a few lenses. My son asked to borrow it 4 years ago and I haven't seen it since. The equipment is currently living on the other side of the country. At least he's still using it.

  • DavidMillierpanorama_fish_eye
    514 posts
    2 years ago

    Is that the same Contax Proback combo that Michael Reichmann used? luminous-landscape.com/contax-645/

  • chiefpanorama_fish_eye
    19 posts
    2 years ago

    Consolidated to Fuji GFX50s and 100s.

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    I keep the X-Pro1 handy for street, and have a D700 as a walk around body. I still use a lot of film with multiple 35mm bodies, Rollei 35s, Nikon F5, Minolta X700. I love 35mm and have stopped using 4x5 film…just some tintype

  • StanDisbrowpanorama_fish_eye
    460 posts
    2 years ago


    I got that back in 04. The images were great back then. That's the same sensor platform as the 760c, just 10 more MP and square. These days, they don't look all that good. ;)

    I never did use it much. It had this tendency to not fire the back when I fired the camera. It was really better suited to studio work rather than field.


  • StanDisbrowpanorama_fish_eye
    460 posts
    2 years ago


    Same thing. My P645D with the 40 MP Kodak CCD is far, far better in all respects.


  • rbfpanorama_fish_eye
    3 posts
    2 years ago

    I'm using a Fuji X as well. My most current body is the XT5 and I find it complements well for my purposes.

  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    2 years ago

    Specifically my Fujifilm X-T5, the Nikon D500 and D810, and a small Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II
    and of course my Pentax 645D 😎

  • enshongpanorama_fish_eye
    5 posts
    2 years ago

    I got a GFX 50R with a Mitakon 65mm. I pair it with the Fujifilm X-E4 which is my absolute favorite camera ever. I shoot weddings and portraits with both. The GFX is great for details, portraits, and slow moments. The X-E4 is great for the in-betweens and general documentation.

  • Rich42panorama_fish_eye
    833 posts
    2 years ago

    An iPhone X

    Otherwise, my GFX 100S has completely retired my Nikon D800E and D850 gear, my Pentax 645N gear, and my 4x5 view camera gear.


  • dbatemanpanorama_fish_eye
    15 posts
    2 years ago

    I used Olympus Em1mk1, Pen-f and full spectrum converted Olympus cameras.
    I have a Nikon Df and Sigma Sd14, but I haven't used them in a long time.
    So I mainly like the 4:3 aspect ratio or 1:1 ratio. Closer to printing 8x10, which seems to be what I do mostly.