Thanks for your comments and links. Here's my comments back again.
We are not changing forum s/w. We would lose everything we have done so far. I've spend a lot of time looking into this and it's not practical to do so at the moment. If Misago fails (for whatever reason), then we may have to do that, but apart from Threaded view, it does everything we need (or it will do once we get to the next major version).
The cameraderie site looks nice, but to my eyes, has far too much on the home page. If I were a newcomer, I'd get lost knowing where to go first. It's also not that friendly on a mobile phone.
There's only me editing the web site and the forum structures. So, whatever is planned has to fit into my timetables. And I am not available 100% of the time. Martin (the maintainer of Misago) has even less time than me. Arvo has been really helpful modifying the CSS code so we can hide things/change colours etc and that has helped a lot.
Given the above, I think we are in a reasonable place to move forward.The aim is to help people produce and enjoy photos - do we meet that aim? I think so.
Nigel, thank you for your comment above.
Mike, Yes, I think the web site meets the aims you mention.
I intend to get another URL which has 'the-photo' in it so that we have a web site link and a forum link.
There MAY be a possbility (but there may not), than I can embed the forum inside the web site, but that relies on Martin doing something and it may be that the structure there won't allow that.