• AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Taken in a hotel foyer, but I hadn't noticed that the aperture ring had moved and it was at F22. But PS cleaned up the noise and I quite like the effect. But do you like it? And, of the two, which do you prefer - the one with more black at the top or the one cropped?

    Light on flowers at night (Custom).jpg

    Light on flower cropped (Custom).jpg

    Light on flower cropped (Custom).jpg

    JPG, 866.9 KB, uploaded by AlanSh a year ago.

    Light on flowers at night (Custom).jpg

    JPG, 921.2 KB, uploaded by AlanSh a year ago.

  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    a year ago

    Pretty picture 👍🏻
    The first one for me, your subject breathes more

  • ArvoJlens
    a year ago

    Can you crop it to make it more balanced? Currently entire composition visual centre is somewhat on the right side.
    Otherwise first one is better.

  • in2laplandpanorama_fish_eye
    29 posts
    a year ago

    The second for me.

    The first is more of a crop if you want to emphasize the height of the subject. And in my opinion that does not apply here. But yes, everyone is free in the way he or she presents the image

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Thanks all. Arvo - is this better?

    Light on flower cropped more_(Superlarge).jpg

    Light on flower cropped more_(Superlarge).jpg

    JPG, 1.2 MB, uploaded by AlanSh a year ago.

  • ArvoJlens
    a year ago

    Yes, but leave more black at top - more like on your first image.
    (Sorry, I'm not at home, can't experiment myself.)

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    a year ago

    Thanks - last try

    Light on flowers at night slight crop_(Superlarge).jpg