• Members 9 posts
    April 18, 2023, 6:34 a.m.
    • I do not like the start page with the list of categories. A much more compact view would be better for me
    • I do not like how the new content is marked. The system from DPR where everything is taken as viewed after visiting a (sub)forum is much better
    • The post editor misses a list or enumeration option
    • For me, the 'DIY and Photo Experiments' sub forum is in wrong place and should be under 'Techniques and ideas'
  • April 18, 2023, 8:48 a.m.

    We are looking at a different start page - whether it will be what you want, I don't know. But I will ask if we can have a comact style view. Do you have any sort of layout you would prefer?
    The subscriptions and notifications is all being looked at. Expect something better soon.
    Agreed - the editor is basic. We are looking at improving it.
    I don't think we will be moving the forum. No one else has said they think it should be elsewhere. But I see why you might thing it belongs where you ask.
