• Maobylens
    1592 posts
    2 years ago

    What's the oldest camera you still own?
    With a photograph of the camera if possible.

    I start, for me it's the little "The Kombi" from 1893, It's its 130th anniversary this year.


    The Kombi (1893)
    by Marc Aubry, sur Flickr

  • StanDisbrowpanorama_fish_eye
    460 posts
    2 years ago


    By comparison, I do not have an old camera.


    But this is as old as I go and can still lay my hands on it. A Nikon FE from 1979. Seen here next to the then brand new Df in 2018.

    Somewhere I have an Ansco Sur Flash box camera which was my Mother's from the 1950s. But I don't know exactly where it is on those shelves of obsolete electronics (even tho it has no electronics it's with that kind of stuff. Somewhere).



    JPG, 1017.0 KB, uploaded by StanDisbrow 2 years ago.

  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    2 years ago

    Nice 👍

  • doadypanorama_fish_eye
    143 posts
    2 years ago

    This is the film section, but it is okay to post a digital camera, right? Mine is Olympus C-7070 from 2005. I traded in C-5060 for "half back" to get it.



    The LCD panel started to crack in 2019 so I had to tape it and glue it back together. The push on lens cap started to get loose so that's why I taped around the rim to make it fit around the lens barrel again. The sensor also got many dead pixels by this time, so that was part of the reason I decided to replace it with E-M1 II on Boxing Day, and hopefully it will be more resilient than the C-7070 was. I don't flip out the LCD much because it is sideways now, and lens caps are now snap on and replaceable, but sensor and battery could still be a problem 10-15 years down the line.

  • JimKassonpanorama_fish_eye
    1738 posts
    2 years ago

    The one on the left.




    JPG, 344.2 KB, uploaded by JimKasson 2 years ago.


    JPG, 360.0 KB, uploaded by JimKasson 2 years ago.

  • Threadedpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago

    My oldest is this humble Rolleicord, which as far as I can tell dates back to around 1934-36, so coming up to its ninetieth birthday. I put a roll of film through it a few years ago and it still works fine, although the optics are a bit dusty. I think there’s something a bit magical about a camera this old that can still take a picture on film you can still buy today.


  • DavidMillierpanorama_fish_eye
    514 posts
    2 years ago

    I have a Kodak folding Autographic somewhere, but I can't find it. camera-wiki.org/wiki/Autographic

    Instead, I found something called a Kershaw Eight-20 Penguin. It's a basic 6x9 folder. There's some info here: camerapedia.fandom.com/wiki/Kershaw_Eight-20_Penguin Supposedly on sale from the mid 1940s. I have no idea where it came from, just found it in a box when I was looking for the autographic.


    I also have a Voigtlander Brilliant fake TLR (1930s I think), a Rolleicord TLR, no idea how old, a MPP 5x4 technical camera, one of those grey Polaroid Land Camera with a bellows and a Zenit B, also lost in the attic. There's a Yashica FR1 and FXD up there somewhere as well.

    Digital wise, I still have my Coolpix CP950 (2MP swivel body) in perfect working order.


    JPG, 3.0 MB, uploaded by DavidMillier 2 years ago.

  • Overrankpanorama_fish_eye
    58 posts
    2 years ago

    My oldest, which still works, is an Agfa Standard Type 254, made from 1926-1933. It looks like this one from Flickr but in black [image by Donald Poirier]


  • ggbutcherpanorama_fish_eye
    138 posts
    2 years ago

    Oh, I got one:


    1903 Eastman 8"x10" view camera. Got it from a retired photojournalist friend along with a 4"x5" Graphlex, sold both to a friend who was able to get a few images with a 5"x7" film holder. He then gave it back to me in the months prior to his death, so it's now sitting in the garage, awaiting some love...

    I may never capture an image with it, I just love the wood, leather, and brass construction...

  • davesurreypanorama_fish_eye
    72 posts
    2 years ago


    Folding Pocket Kodak 3A type B4.
    Manufactured 1908-1909.
    One of my many folders.


    JPG, 7.7 MB, uploaded by davesurrey 2 years ago.

  • rodriguezPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    645 posts
    2 years ago

    When I used to work in a camera store, our customers would come in at certain times of the year, like May or June when it was graduation time, or other special occasions, and they would buy film from us for cameras like this (we stocked all the old oddball sizes like 118, the old 126 and others) and ask me to load it for them. I just loved handling these old, elegant cameras. They were such beautiful machines.

  • davesurreypanorama_fish_eye
    72 posts
    2 years ago

    This took 122 film (3.25 x 5.5), production of which ended I believe in 1970. But I have adapters so I can use 120..
    It's lovely and still a usable camera.

  • Photobygmshelp_outline
    725 posts
    2 years ago

    It was my first Canon Eos and I still own it a 1991 Canon Eos 1000F
    And it still does work like new 😎
    Own several other analog Canon Eos models which I still use on a regular base

    My first camera that I used as a kid was a Olympus trip 35, which got lost in Switserland on a glacier.....

  • lmanspanorama_fish_eye
    73 posts
    2 years ago

    1930 Barnacks Leica Lietz 1 Model ABarnacks.jpg


    JPG, 393.7 KB, uploaded by lmans 2 years ago.

  • Autonerdpanorama_fish_eye
    49 posts
    2 years ago

    Somewhere I have my grandmother's old Ansco, which is likely approaching its 90th if not its 100th anniversary.

    I have a friend's Mamiya C330 on sort-of long-term loan, not sure how old it is.

    Oldest I own in the current armada is my uncle's Mamiya/Sekor 1000 DTL, but it doesn't have a working meter and I don't really use it.

    Oldest in current use is probably one of my Pentax KXs, vintage 1975-77, or possibly my K2. I think most of the 35mm cameras I use the most are late 1970s-early 1980s vintage. To me, that's kind of the golden age of cameras.

    I am making a half-hearted effort to find a Spotmatic. Not sure if it'll be an SPII or an F.


  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    2 years ago

    Great camera that one! 😍

  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    2 years ago

    I totally agree with the magic part. 😎

  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    2 years ago

    That's a very nice piece you have there. 👍🏻