I started with a rangefinder film camera in the late 70s when it was only B&W. I had a primitive camera and limited shooting opportunities, but those memories are more enjoyable than current high-speed shooting. I moved through many phases to my current m43 kit (DSLR kit about to retire), but photography has always been a hobby.
I am now exploring B&W again. I want to get your thoughts on the following lines, and probably more ideas if you could.
What subjects, scenes or settings suite B&W vs. color.
When trying to shoot something in B&W what should I be looking for?
What tricks can I use to make B&W photos stand out?
Here're few recent examples. Trying uploads for the first time. Hope this works!
This first one is from the camera as shot, with B&W photo style.
This second one is the same photo processed as B&W from raw file. I like this better. May be, due to the brightness, or cropping out some empty space in the frame.
These next two are the same shot, B&W produced by the camera and color version processed from raw. I feel that lot of things are clear in the color version like different hair colors, folds, etc. In the B&W the attention is drawn just to one known piece, the face. Not sure which is better than the other.
This last set is a shot of the woods behind my house. I can't say one is better than the other but they both covey a different mood.
Your thoughts?