• SylviaWpanorama_fish_eye
    10 posts
    2 years ago

    Hi, and thanks for carrying on with DPR's legacy of friendly support for the hobby shooter.

    I subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud. I edit CR2 files from my Canon 5DM4 in Camera Raw 14.5 via Photoshop 23.5. I edit, "Save image" in PS and tell it exactly what to name the new file and where to put it.

    I don't use Lightroom, but it is in my Adobe subscription, so I launched it (6.3.1) to try out the new Denoise AI feature.

    I like. But where is it saving the DNG file? It doesn't ask me where I want it. And a search of my Mac for "DNG" gives me a dozen old files I created in a long-ago attempt to learn LR. But none from today.

    I see that the number "2" has appeared in the filmstrip (see screenshot)flic.kr/p/2ovQ4KA, so apparently there's a copy of that DNG file nested (term?) with the original. But how do I find and open it?

    I don't save my files to the Adobe cloud. (That I know of.)

    I'm dreading having to learn Lightroom just to use Denoise.

    Appreciate your help.


  • SrMipanorama_fish_eye
    457 posts
    2 years ago

    You can use Denoise in Camera Raw 15.3 (Noise reduction). You should update your ACR and PS.

  • 704 posts
    2 years ago

    I do not think you have this feature in LR 6. Usually this DNG file is saved in the same folder original file is.

  • SylviaWpanorama_fish_eye
    10 posts
    2 years ago

    [deleted, meant to Quote, not Reply]

  • SylviaWpanorama_fish_eye
    10 posts
    2 years ago

    [deleted, meant to Quote, not Reply]

  • SylviaWpanorama_fish_eye
    10 posts
    2 years ago

    Thanks for the info.

  • SylviaWpanorama_fish_eye
    10 posts
    2 years ago

    Yes! In all the hoopla about "LR has Denoise AI," I didn't see any references to PS and ACR having it, too.

    I updated, it's there, looks great, puts the DNG file in the folder with the original.

    Many thanks.

  • djpaigepanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    2 years ago

    If you are using Lightroom 6.3.1 via the Adobe Creative Cloud, this is the version of Lightroom that saves photos to the cloud. So, yes, you just did save your denoised files (and any other files involved) to the Adobe Cloud. If you want the denoised files to be saved to your disk, use Lightroom Classic 12.3. (or as others have said, you can use ACR 15.3)