• Members 2365 posts
    July 11, 2023, 10:56 p.m.

    It was a breath of fresh air till 1 member decided to let a rotton egg bomb off in the classroom with no consequences. then all the other students deceided to throw waterbombs back (me included) in retaliation only to be repremanded and told to look the other way/turn the other cheek 🤨

  • Members 2365 posts
    July 11, 2023, 11:14 p.m.

    then the maths english geeks deceided to raid the woodwork classes and tell them that they didnt know anything about building a square jewely box because they didnt understand trigonometry or capable of spelling it 🙄, woodworkers used a tri-square. then a classroom arguement errupted that its not really a tri square and should be renamed bi-square 😁😂😂

  • Members 244 posts
    July 11, 2023, 11:32 p.m.

    I already said, once, earlier in this thread what specific strategic direction that I would recommend. I didn’t talk about chaff.

    It’s on about the third page. Maybe go back and read it?

  • Members 1976 posts
    July 12, 2023, 4:32 a.m.

    It is written at the top of the forum.

  • Members 758 posts
    July 12, 2023, 7:03 a.m.

    Seems as good a place as any to write this. She's dead Nigel.

  • July 12, 2023, 7:09 a.m.

    I don't think the 'rules' have much to do with it. Other continuity sites with different approaches have suffered in the same way. And you know that you're as much a beneficiary of our approach as anyone.

  • Members 730 posts
    July 12, 2023, 11:45 a.m.

    I still couldn't find it.

  • Members 1662 posts
    July 12, 2023, 12:49 p.m.

    I have no idea what the numbers, the team behind this forum is able to see, show (it might be devastating, it might also not be that bad, compared to other sites, including "DPReview's best alternative"...) but regardless - I think it's too early to declare something 'dead' which hasn't even properly launched yet in its full capacity. Yes, as a forum it might be quite challenging, but given the circumstance, that dpreview will continue to exist, I would judge it (once everything is properly set up and a couple of editorial content is there) as its own thing, rather than a dpreview successor, which just isn't needed anymore.

    I'm personally saddened by the fact that this forum lost some (from my impression) reasonable and friendly contributors like RetoB or raythentic and also didn't manage to attract a number of undecided ones, which might be in part attributed to the continuous thread derailing, but I still think dprevived can and will be an interesting and unique place in the realm of digital photography sites and hope many of the people I had the pleasure of interacting here, are going to contribute in the future!

  • Members 243 posts
    July 12, 2023, 12:57 p.m.

    I have read the whole thread so I am sure I have read it. Don't really care what direction you think this site should go so I am not gonna go back and read it. I would rather hang here for your passive aggressive moderation and wait for further direction about what I am allowed to talk about in this thread moving forward. Such a wonderful atmosphere.

  • Members 1662 posts
    July 12, 2023, 1:30 p.m.

    C'mon now... if you can, just try to take the high road, because... why not? You know you're allowed to pretty much say anything here, regardless if other users find it important or not, so why bother fighting for a right which is already there?

    Back on topic though: going back to the third page I found this suggestion I still find a pretty good one:

    I think you've got a point there @BillFerris and I also think you might be one of a couple of people best suited for writing such a thing, (if you have any interest in doing so). There certainly is no lack of detailed knowledge, thanks to highly educated members here. However conveying this information in a way which is simple and inviting enough for someone stumbling upon this site through a search or a link, to continue reading, is not something everyone with that knowledge is able to do. I think this idea would likely be worth the effort in terms of attracting some new members over time! 👍

  • Members 730 posts
    July 12, 2023, 1:41 p.m.

    If you are replying to me, I was asking where @NCV sees how many members online on another forum, not on this one.

  • Members 510 posts
    July 12, 2023, 2:58 p.m.

    If you are referring to DPRForum it's in the right margin, at top. Members online.

    But I think the numbers aren't comparable. The phrasing here is a little odd, "105 today online". I don't know, but I interpret that so far105 users have visited today, whereas phpBB's number tells how many are online right now. The number here may also refer to members (does it?) whereas phpBB lists all visitors, including Google and other bots. At least it used to be that way.

  • Members 510 posts
    July 12, 2023, 3 p.m.

    I'm sorry - who?

  • Members 1976 posts
    July 12, 2023, 5:01 p.m.




    JPG, 28.7 KB, uploaded by NCV on July 12, 2023.

  • Members 50 posts
    July 13, 2023, 6:36 p.m.

    Perhaps I am too "old school" but having been in the photography BUSINESS for a very long time, I am a dedicated believer in "word of mouth" in any kind of public relations endeavor. In terms of the Internet, word of mouth is no longer a protracted long-term phenomenon, rather it travels at warp-speed, good bad, or indifferent.

    Therefore, if this site, forum, online magazine, publication, or whatever you wantot to call it becomes known for some really hot topics, great tutorials by knowledgeable folks, good practical how-tos and problem-solving, sincere conversations, and friendly yet strong moderation it will stand out for the rest of the unwashed masses and become successful. If, sadly it becose just another place for chaos, and a bunch of grumpy folks to air their disgruntlement and negativity- it will meet its untimely demise before it gets started.

    NOW is the time to leave the nut and bolts of the physicality of the site up to the ownership and management. Look what those good folks have done in a short time- they are tech-savvy and know how to build an effective and efficient website with all the necessary bells and whistles. Give them time to refine things. Meanwhile- like now! START thinking about content, and subjects, some traditional and some different.

    As for the old DPR forum- as my grandmother used to say- "shall they live and be well"! Why clone or knock it? Use waht you know about it that is good and eliminate or entirely negate what you perceive as negative. Most importantly, include what it does not offer!

    The structure already exists, now, fill it with good stuff and start contributing to the sections with some down-to-earth helpful material and good questions and answers. Photograhers are supposed to be creative- so, start to create. If you are not the best technical writer- who cares? This is a PHOTOGRAPHY site- post your images explain how you did them, and why you like them or are disappointed and need help. Shoot a DIY project. Wahtever but get cracking and stop arguing! Things are stagnating!

  • Members 827 posts
    July 13, 2023, 7:07 p.m.


    You have said it so well. Clear, concise and accurate and I believe, quite predictive.

    Unfortunately, as young as this site is, and still in a position to accomplish many of the excellent goals you describe, there is already an inertia and reluctance to go in that direction.

    Initially, it was a simple job - provide an instant new ship to which to jump when the old ship had been unceremoniously and unexpectedly scuttled by its owners. Just make the new ship as similar to the old, and everything will be great. Everyone will swim on over and the new site will thrive.

    Now, equally unexpectedly, the old ship is rescued and the new ship wonders how it will keep its passengers. Just mimicking the old ship's ways won't work. But does anyone at the helm understand that?


  • Members 599 posts
    July 13, 2023, 7:14 p.m.

    And though your ship be sturdy, no mercy has the sea, when you are riding the ocean of being!