I recently realized that GAS is how my psyche expresses boredom.
I was on a photo club meetup in a local park, and was getting a bit bored with the pretty flowers, and started thinking about gear. I asked myself, what would change, right now, if I had the Z6 I'd been lustig after recently? Is there a sort of shot this would allow me to take that my X-T3 can't? Is there an aspect of the pictures I took that the Z6 would markedly improve?
The only thing the Z6 would change is the process. By being new, and unknown to me, it would add a challenge to the act of taking pictures, which I was presently getting a bit bored of.
This realization, oddly, set me free. If I need more enjoyment out of photography, I'll need to upgrade myself, not my camera. I'll need to push myself to seek out compositions, think more deeply about the pictures and relations. Or not. Accept that now is not the time for art, and coast a little.
That way lies happiness, not on ever more gear. Says the hypocrite who has bought/sold dozens and dozens of lenses and cameras to come to this realization.