I like it here. Both you and Bob seem to be good fellows, and Bob just seems to "get" it. If that doesn't change, everything else will be fine.
I really could have walked away from DPReview as there was always a constant threat of posts being pulled, ban warnings and the like. When I started there in January 2012 I think I had a D300 and D300s, moving or adding at some point a D700, then first of April 2012 picking up a D800. Added a D800e at some point, and eventually moved to a D810 on the day they were released. D810 pretty much moved the FX DSLRs pass issues, so there wasn't a lot to discuss that I needed to discuss. D800 had inconsistent focus issues, so there were always discussions on that. Df added a bit of fun in the threads, real world against the hipsters. :) :)
I tried FM, but got a couple of heads up PM that confirmed what I saw going on. The Group of Five (maybe 6 or 7) controlled most of the dialogue in the Nikon threads when it was something they didn't agree with, one would reply and the others would pile on. I was warned to watch out for it, and given a list of the fellows involved, most of whom I had figured out. Have a screen shot somewhere. After awhile I just decided I didn't need the bs, PM'ed a member on DPReview that I was going to make sure I got banned, and said something to someone. I could have went back under another username, I placed no value on keeping the same one, but just a bs site when you get into it, so had no interest. I wouldn't go back there if it were the last photography site on the internet.
So to continue making a short answer long, I'll hang out here. 12 years on DPReview may have been enough of camera forums, so many of the good guys, so many of the BIF shooters had left. But for now........................