• shermlevinepanorama_fish_eye
    142 posts
    2 years ago

    Also.. try setting the Photolab output to both JPG and TIF. It'll take the same amount of time as just JPG, and you can sharpen the TIF in Topaz Sharpen. I've been really pleased with the combination for my RX10iv

  • shermlevinepanorama_fish_eye
    142 posts
    2 years ago


    I'll suggest this arrangement - but it's just a proposal for others to comment on

    Create a new level 2 header for Compact and Bridge Cameras

    Move the appropriate current camera-based level 3 headers to the Compact and Bridge Cameras group:
    ..Canon Powershot
    ..Sony Cybershot
    ..Fuji Finepix (just a guess)
    ..Nikon Coolpix
    ..Olympus Compact Camera
    ..Panasonic Compact Camera
    ..Pentax Compact
    ..Casio Compact
    ..Kodak Compact

    Add new level 3 forums in the group for
    ..Bridge Camera comparisons
    ..Pocket camera comparisons (? is there a better term?)


  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago


    Let's see what others think. That's quite a drastic change.

    I wish there was a way for forums to appear in more than one category, but there isn't.


  • HowardVrankinpanorama_fish_eye
    35 posts
    2 years ago

    I actively use X-S1 and RX10 I cameras, and would appreciate one bridge camera forum. But I wonder whether enough interest in them remains to warrant a change away from a brand-oriented structure that seems to be working. Bridge cameras are clearly on the wane, though remaining my preferred category.

  • davesurreypanorama_fish_eye
    72 posts
    2 years ago

    Sorry Sherm, but Iā€™m not sure I am in favour of adding yet a lot more categories as you suggest. There are already too many categories IMO. But with some of them getting almost no attention and others much more I guess a re-assessment in the future would not be too difficult to achieve. Just look at the Post Processing categories for example.
    My desire to see a separate Bridge Camera category is to separate threads out from the various compact camera groups. Grouping bridge and compact together is just what I would hope can be avoided.

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    Let me create a level 2 category called "Bridge and Compact Camera General discussions" (or similar). Then, in there have "Bridge Camera Talk" and "Compact Camera Talk". I also agree that bridge cameras are not compact cameras.

    How does that sound to start with?


  • Moonraker1959panorama_fish_eye
    36 posts
    2 years ago

    It would be nice just to have a general "Bridge Camera" group for ALL brands of bridge cameras. I have a Fujifilm XS-1 and there was some confusion in DPR as to which Fuji group it belonged to Fuji Finepix or Fuji X system, so I never knew which group to post my images. I also had a Sony RX10iv for a while which I later sold even though it was a great camera but more bulky and heavier than the XS-1

  • shermlevinepanorama_fish_eye
    142 posts
    2 years ago


    That would be an excellent start - and as always thank you for the way you and Bob are administering the forum.

    The Olympus, Panasonic and Micro Four/Thirds heading is a good example of why clustering forums I'd want to track together under a single heading is valuable.

    I can jump to this dprevived.com/c/olympus-panasonic-and-micro-four-thirds/86/ and monitor activity in all of them, rather than needing to look at each forum separately.


  • CrashpcCZpanorama_fish_eye
    360 posts
    2 years ago

    I would vote for a single category.
    Either Bridge & compact cameras channel, or even some master "camera playground/comparison" channel.
    There are many reasons and occasions to discuss compact superzooms vs bridge ultrazooms, or as I mentioned, dedicated telephoto lens vs superzoom whatever camera.

    //On the other side, scrolling through, indeed. It looks like we have too many disciplines already, making some of these rather empty. Maybe this explosion and consolidation later on is a needed process. šŸ‘

  • davesurreypanorama_fish_eye
    72 posts
    2 years ago

    Thank would be great.
    Many thanks. Dave

  • davesurreypanorama_fish_eye
    72 posts
    2 years ago

    Sorry but can't agree. As Alan so rightly infers Compacts cameras and Bridge cameras are not necessarily the same thing. They need to be separate.

  • DavidMillierpanorama_fish_eye
    514 posts
    2 years ago

    My wife recently got back from another art safari. This time she took her Nikon D7100. And somehow jammed the ISO setting on ISO4000 for the whole trip without realising it. She's been very grateful for the trial version...

  • DavidMillierpanorama_fish_eye
    514 posts
    2 years ago

    I like the thing this forum does of allowing you to look only at a sub forum or look at a higher level and see all the sub forums in one place. Neat option.

  • shermlevinepanorama_fish_eye
    142 posts
    2 years ago

    Keep in mind that you can retrieve posts from multiple forums by clicking on the parent menu. Here, for example, you can click on "Olympus, Panasonic and Micro Four Thirds" to see posts for all the forums in the menu. As long as people are happy with the tree structure, separating into more forums does little harm.

    2023-04-16 09_57_34-Window.png


    2023-04-16 09_57_34-Window.png

    PNG, 29.0 KB, uploaded by shermlevine 2 years ago.

  • CrashpcCZpanorama_fish_eye
    360 posts
    2 years ago

    Indeed, I can see that.
    But I noted, that threading every differentiated aspect into its own class has its own issues. Who would come to bridge cameras forum often? My thinking is that certainly less people than amount of people that would go to "Compact and bridge" camera forum. There are forums with like just one thread already. Noone cares. That is suboptimal.

    We certainly can agree to disagree, we can do changes later too. I came just to present my vote. That's all. Arguments and different decisions are still welcome, and I hope my conduct didn't discourage anyone from posting theirs. I do not resent any other outcome differentiating from my opinion.

    "I came all the way up to here, to tell all of you, for everyone to know!, that I didn't like my lunch today". Now deal with THAT.

    I hope that all is clear now. šŸ˜…

  • CrashpcCZpanorama_fish_eye
    360 posts
    2 years ago

    That is almost fine, but deceiving. You can group forums for reading, feeling this unity, but when you decide to create a thread, not only it doesn't affect these forums in this unified matter, it pre-chooses "open talk forum" possibly as a first item in the list.
    That's a quirk, dangerous for those less observant. Can cause confusion.

  • shermlevinepanorama_fish_eye
    142 posts
    2 years ago

    That's a known issue - and I believe that's why one of the other forums was moved out of the default position. You can't post to a menu, only to a forum.
    Perhaps the solution is to have no default selection (currently open talk forum, which is the first forum in the menu tree) if you're not posting from within a forum. That would force the user to select before entering text.


  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    It is something I have asked for from the developers.

    I'm sure it's on a list somewhere.


  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I've done it. The two forums can be found here: dprevived.com/c/bridge-camera-talk/160/ and here: dprevived.com/c/compact-camera-talk/161/

    Have fun


  • Labepanorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    2 years ago

    This sounds great and why I started this thread .
    Thank you for your time .
    Paul uk