• AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I keep reading about the imaginary/rumoured X-S20. If the specs are as they propose, I think I will have one as my second body. Anyone else interested?


  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    2 years ago

    What are the main reasons for having the X-S20 as a second camera!?

  • AlanShpanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    It's cheaper than my X-T5, slightly smaller and (if rumours are true) will have the 26mb sensor but v5 firmware. So, different.


  • RodMcDpanorama_fish_eye
    19 posts
    2 years ago


    I'll be interested to see the camera - it might tell us something about Fuji's model directions. I have an XT4 which I bought relatively late before the XT5, so no plans to upgrade or 'side-grade'. I was considering an XE4 as my second body, but couldn't get one. They're now getting silly prices for used copies and the XE3s have gone up too. I just can't bring myself to buy at the new price for a five year old body from overseas with zero warranty. I've no interest in the X100V - I need an ILC. I'll also be interested to see what else gets shown at the coming "summit". (One camera does not make a "summit".) I'm guessing the XF8mm and perhaps a GFX lens, but perhaps there'll be a surprise - the X-Pro4?

  • JohnGellingspanorama_fish_eye
    30 posts
    2 years ago

    Nope, I am still waiting for them to get to making the real Fujis again...like the X-Pro line. ;)

  • ysleepanorama_fish_eye
    29 posts
    2 years ago

    Won't it have a vastly different control scheme though? I don't think the XS10 was that much smaller than the XT4/5 to begin with.

  • Maobylens
    1592 posts
    2 years ago

    I have a feeling the next X-Pro will interest me more, hoping I can resist the temptation. 😈

  • nightowlhelp_outline
    2 years ago

    The body of the XS10 is a fair bit thinner and shorter and lighter than the XT4 and XT5. The grip makes up for it a bit, but that's because they squeezed the (older, smaller) battery into it sideways.

    XS10, XT4, XT5, XH2S top-down comparison:

    I think it will be interesting (and impact the form factor) to see if they manage to squeeze the new (well, since the XT4) battery in or not - either into the body (making it thicker) or sideways into the grip (making it wider).


    PNG, 152.8 KB, uploaded by nightowl 2 years ago.

  • biza43panorama_fish_eye
    113 posts
    2 years ago

    Not me, I am quite happy with my X-T3 and X-T4. IMO, the XS series is a good companion to the XH series, like a mini version.

  • SquadShootershelp_outline
    125 posts
    2 years ago

    Some additional weather-resistance would make this one interesting for me, but this is most probably not gonna happen, as it would make the body too big.

    But now as the Canon EF-M mount is most probably dead, this is my best bet for a replacement. It’s a pity though that Fujifilm doesn’t have a similar lens lineup for small, “good enough” zoom lenses like the EF-M mount.

  • pointnshootpropanorama_fish_eye
    2 years ago

    I wish they kept the X-S line like my original X-S1. Fixed lens, built like a tank, great images from it. An all-around winner. I do like when fuji releases new stuff though!

  • nightowlhelp_outline
    2 years ago

    Weather resistance could be possible, but then so could dual card slots, and the new battery… chuck in too many nice things and they unfortunately start blurring the model lines a bit with perhaps the sensor being the only differentiator against the XT5 or XH2.

  • Threadedpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago

    Can’t get too excited personally, I’m sure it’ll be a great camera for some but it’s not my style really.

    It’s kind of interesting that they’re going back to the same fourth gen sensor though - I wonder what the newer processor and firmware will be able to get out of that in terms of autofocus etc. is it possible it might outperform the XT5 and XH2 in some ways, since it will have faster sensor readout and less pixels to shift?

  • SquadShootershelp_outline
    125 posts
    2 years ago

    Yes, I agree. Plus the body size would be bigger, and you would basically get a X-T4, or X-H2. This wouldn’t be the X-S product line anymore.

    It is possible, but I doubt it. They would cannibalize their own sales, and decrease their profit margins.

  • Threadedpanorama_fish_eye
    164 posts
    2 years ago

    Well yes and no, obviously it wouldn’t be 40mp, nor would it have the “pro” build quality, weather resistance, bigger EVF, dual card slots etc - nor would it be as fast as the XH2S, which would remain the obvious choice for people really needing the best performance. But it could be a useful second body for those customers, or just a great choice for entry level or enthusiast shooters.

  • Paldipanorama_fish_eye
    18 posts
    2 years ago

    The only major difference is the updated processor, image quality will probably not change.Could be a few bells/whistles that appeal?

    So NOT excited, just curious to see the launch and watch reviews.

    Wondering if they will stick to U$ 999?

    The Canon R10 and R50 come cheaper but Fuji have a bigger lens selection at this stage.

    The S10 is a great little camera and the newBy will improve on it for sure.6K @ 30fps could cause some friction but lets wait and see.

  • jabergpanorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    I’m interested to see what’s announced but currently have an X-S10 and no immediate plans to upgrade within the series. Next camera will either be be an XH2S or, as a stretch goal, a return to Nikon with a Z9. No hurry — for the most part I am well served by the X-S10

  • Lettermanian2panorama_fish_eye
    14 posts
    2 years ago

    Although I'm quite happy with my X-T3, I did have the X-S10 for a while and appreciated its grip and small size. As I shoot mostly jpegs and enjoy creating my own film sims, the X-T3 is the superior camera; it can store custom film sims without needing to also store other camera settings, which was required on the X-S10, and (I assume) on the X-S20. I think the custom banks are limited this way on the X-H2/2S as well. I don't see why Fuji can't allow the user to keep custom film sim settings separate from other global camera settings on these cameras. I do like Classic Neg though and miss it from the X-S10.

    The other feature that I found useful on the X-S10, especially for timelapses, was the in-camera exposure smoothing during interval timer shooting (useful for day-to-night and night-to-day "holy grail" timelapses), which is not on the X-T3 and similar-gen cameras (although the X-T30ii has it). Fuji has been very slow to make any changes to their interval timer functions, adding exposure smoothing recently, and then adding Interval Priority on the X-T5. It would be nice if they could also add 4-digits to their number of shots taken with the interval timer (currently at 999, then infinity, which means the timer has to be manually stopped if more than 999 shots are desired). Both Nikon and Panasonic allow 4-digit limits, so there's really no reason not to. If the X-S20 has the latest interval features and film sims, I may be interested in it. Of course I also want in-camera timelapse video rendering, star trails, and starlight AF features, but Fuji can't seem to figure out how to do that with their X-trans sensor cameras... ;)