Dear Friends,
I was going to send this as a private message to you all, but the limit is six addresses!
I looked at the forums in the Photographic Genres section this morning and analysed their useage in terms of the number of threads active in the past two months:
(Numbers mean <1 month old, 1 month old)
Abstract, Minimalism and Creative: 8, 2
Architecture: 0 ,1
Documentary and Street: 25, 5
Events Photography: 1, 0
Home Photography: 0, 0
Landscape and Travel Photography: 7, 3
Macro and Still Life Photography: 3, 6
Nature and Wildlife Photography: 7,16
Photo Art: 0, 0
Portrait and People Photography: 4, 0
Sport and Action Photography: 0, 1
Transportation: 1, 1
Underwater Photography: 0, 0
I then turned my attention to the News and Discussions section, in which Technical Discussions, Photography News, and Buying Advice have not been visted in the past month.
Our area (Image Discussions), within News and Discussions, is full of two things:
-- many individual threads (including a redundant locked thread: Welcome to an M4/3 section)
-- regularly active threads
Your Canon Photos
This week through your eyes
Lonely Benches
Weekly X-Series
Wednesday C&C
Sunday Cat is in Photographic Equipment/Olympus/OM Systems
Monthly Fujifilm Sharing: August is in Photographic Equipment/Fujifilm
It seems to me that these seven weekly/monthly threads need to be in their own folders. Personally, I would like to see a top level category Weekly/Monthly Photo-sharing, and within it folders for
Your Canon Photos
This week through your eyes
Lonely Benches
Weekly X-Series
Wednesday C&C
Sunday Cat
Monthly Fujifilm Sharing
The titles might be unified, and there would be room for the addition of others, should there be a demand (e.g. Your weekly Nikon photos). In this way, all the weekly Canon and other threads would be in their own folders, which would form useful archives for searching, instead of rolling off the bottom of a long list of threads, as at present.
What do you all think?