• Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    a year ago


    Those are neat. I had read that Scotland has been restoring its forests and woodland areas; you show us visible signs of that here. The wooden walkway reminds me of the many similar walkways we have where I hike around in Oregon near creeks and ponds.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    a year ago


    Nice skies. Your first picture is a good example of what people mean when they talk about "texture" in a photo.

    The clouds on the left look like you could put your hand up and run your fingers over the knobby little bumps.

    Steve Thomas

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    a year ago


    Thanks. When we are closer to autumn we should see more of these types of skies. The long range forecast is for some rain in a few days to a few weeks. Then it will end our dry season.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    a year ago

    Vertorama, or a vertical panorama.

    This is a five-shot panorama that I shot in a 1:1 aspect ratio at 62mm in Av mode with an f/71 aperture stitched together in Autostitch.

    In my newbieness,I think I forgot to focus between shots. 😀


    Steve Thomas


    JPG, 536.2 KB, uploaded by stevet1 a year ago.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    a year ago


    That's interesting seeing your vertical panorama. I would think that it could be ideal for taking pictures of tall buildings or tall trees.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    a year ago


    I was reading about them last night. Yeah, they're good for things like lighthouses and such.

    The advice I was reading said that you should overlap images by around 50%, as opposed to 30% in horizontal panoramas to avoid "perspective distortion". The article also said that a 1:1 aspect ratio adds a little more balance to the image, as opposed to a 3:2 or 4:3, which makes your final image more skinny if you are shooting in a portrait, as opposed to a landscape mode. With a 1:1, it doesn't matter if you are holding your camera horizontally or vertically.

    Steve Thomas.

  • Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    a year ago
  • a year ago

    Another horsechestnut. At about 50mm (over 2") diameter, this is the largest I have ever come across. It actually has twin nuts inside.




    JPG, 1.5 MB, uploaded by davidwien a year ago.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    a year ago


    The photo looks good. I bet those thorns would hurt. Maybe by design those thorns are made to stick to large furry animals who would transfer the seeds to other locations. Or does the horse chestnut weigh too much for that?

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    a year ago

    Subject: Wooden Walkways

    Seeing some wooden walkways from Dunlin reminded me of some that we have that are extensive. I took these yesterday.

    Photo No. 1 - I brought two cameras and lenses with me, but decided to just use one.

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/250 seconds
    FNumber - 7.10
    ISOSpeedRatings - 1000
    ExposureBiasValue - -0.33
    FocalLength - 25 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 2

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/200 seconds
    FNumber - 8
    ISOSpeedRatings - 1250
    ExposureBiasValue - -0.33
    FocalLength - 30 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 3

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/200 seconds
    FNumber - 8
    ISOSpeedRatings - 800
    ExposureBiasValue - -0.33
    FocalLength - 34 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 4

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/200 seconds
    FNumber - 8
    ISOSpeedRatings - 1250
    ExposureBiasValue - -0.33
    FocalLength - 35 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 5

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/200 seconds
    FNumber - 8
    ISOSpeedRatings - 800
    ExposureBiasValue - -0.33
    FocalLength - 35 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 6 - I didn't see many people. Finally, I saw some to make everything more alive.

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/160 seconds
    FNumber - 7.10
    ISOSpeedRatings - 1000
    ExposureBiasValue - 0
    FocalLength - 20 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 7

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/200 seconds
    FNumber - 6.30
    ISOSpeedRatings - 500
    ExposureBiasValue - 0
    FocalLength - 23 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 8

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/200 seconds
    FNumber - 6.30
    ISOSpeedRatings - 400
    ExposureBiasValue - 0
    FocalLength - 23 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 9 - As I was finishing my walk, I did see some more people just before I entered another wooden walkway.

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/125 seconds
    FNumber - 7.10
    ISOSpeedRatings - 5000
    ExposureBiasValue - 0
    FocalLength - 31 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

    Photo No. 10 - And we see one more. This picture was taken at ISO10000. It was darker than I thought at this location, but this camera does OK in such environments. I hope you liked this series.

    Model - Canon EOS M50m2
    ExposureTime - 1/125 seconds
    FNumber - 7.10
    ISOSpeedRatings - 10000
    ExposureBiasValue - 0
    FocalLength - 30 mm
    Lens Model - EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM


    JPG, 310.9 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 280.2 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 250.7 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 359.9 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 330.5 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 315.1 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 287.5 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 337.3 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 329.0 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.


    JPG, 297.6 KB, uploaded by Digirame a year ago.

  • a year ago

    Yes, they do hurt -- if you carry chestnuts in your trousers pocket, for instance. This one weights 75gm, and the thorns are not going to stick to an animal, unlike a burr. I think they are designed to prevent animals from breaking them open to eat.


  • Dunlinpanorama_fish_eye
    643 posts
    a year ago
  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    a year ago


    Thanks. I had late afternoon sun. That's why we see the long shadows. It's challenging taking photos at that time of day, but some unusual photos can result too.

  • stevet1panorama_fish_eye
    775 posts
    a year ago

    Dunlin and Dig,

    That was my favorite one too. The leading lines are there, but not there at the same time - they lead you into who knows what.
    I love the shadows on the wall. As a matter of fact, cropped out, the wall makes for an interesting picture in its own right:

    Steve Thomas


    JPG, 8.7 KB, uploaded by stevet1 a year ago.

  • Digiramepanorama_fish_eye
    1888 posts
    a year ago


    Thanks. It's unanimous; photo no. 3 is the winner. 😀 All kidding aside, thanks for letting me know. This one particular park is filled with long wooden walkways, more than any other place I've seen in our local area. I'm glad you liked seeing these walkway pictures.

  • mocha123panorama_fish_eye
    411 posts
    a year ago

    Hi fotoword,

    Great shots of the Pelican and love the Fairy wren photos 👍

  • mocha123panorama_fish_eye
    411 posts
    a year ago

    Hi simplejoy,

    It's the bug for me, love it.

  • mocha123panorama_fish_eye
    411 posts
    a year ago

    Hi Digirame,

    Your fashion shots are super, photo 4 is excellent. "Subject: Afternoon Clouds" Photo 1 is WOW. super set.