Thanks. These were taken at 24mm FL (at the smallest focal length of the lens), so that's wide angle distortion. I'll take a look at it. I don't think straightening this out will solve it, which I often do. It's rare that I display a photo with crooked horizons for example. Secondly, whether a photo looks over exposed or under exposed often depends on the monitors we have. The pictures look fine to me, from what I'm seeing on my monitor.
For me, taking these high ISO photos at night, are some of my early experimentation of the new camera. I was less concerned about leveling and I can't control what other people see on their monitors. Thanks for taking the time to review this. I'll look for the level that can be superimposed over the RP screen.
Also, let me add...if you go to the middle of each image and draw a line, you'll see that they are vertical or nearly that way. So, what would you do differently? Did you want the buildings to lean more to the left or to the right and why? One more edit: The histograms that I saw do not show these as over-exposed. If I darkened these images any more, it would be hard to see the buildings...at least on my monitor.
One more comment: 😀 Jpegs are not irremediable. They are not as remediable as RAW, but there is the ability to make some small changes.