This weekly thread is principally intended for you to showcase your photos made with Canon cameras of all sorts: SLR, DSLR, Mirrorless, M-series, APS-C, film, etc. But any brand of camera will be accepted, including photos taken with your phone. We do enjoy reading an accompanying text explaining your photo and any special techniques you may have used. Comments and helpful criticisms on others' photos are also welcome: we can all learn something from each other. We look forward to seeing your contributions and new participants to this series of threads are always welcome!
A new thread for the following week will be posted next Saturday around 10 pm UK time.
Digirame and I will be active here and are sharing the hosting, but we are used to all joining in and commenting on others' photos.
Review of last week
Digirame showed us lots of daffodils and we learnt that the official name for them all is narcissus. The mystery of the exercise machines plonked in the park was stimulating, but I think walking up hills may be even better for body and soul -- if there are any in Oregon. It seems his wood ducks were playing hard to get last week. The depth of field problem he had might be solved by using the RP at f/11, since ISO levels can be allowed to go quite high on that camera without significant noise penalty.
Photobygms is indefatigable. He and his wife are out and about and never deterred by the weather. The locality rewards and us and them despite the weather. I particularly like the beautiful robin shot and those of the paths through the forest. I was reading that being in nature for over two hours a week promotes both mental and physical health, which is good for Photobygms, and an encouragement for us all to follow his example.
I also managed to find some plant life in the city and got closer to a snowdrop than I have ever been before. Some of the views of buildings I can take in the winter will not be possible when the trees have leaves again. Then there is the problem of scaffolding and tourists: Digi is optimistic if he thinks the scaffolding on the Karlskirche will be temporary. Most work sites here proceed at glacial pace, and the tourists are already crawling all over and have a decided knack of standing where they spoil my photos! I think the swans are already busy hatching the next generation. In the meantime, the magnolia has come on apace and I also have several interesting shots of varied subjects to share from this week's Friday outing.
There were not as many participants this week as we usually have. Neither Digirame nor I want to be perceived as dominating the postings! Please share with all of us what's going on where you are.