Having noticed that there are several threads here devoted to members' photos taken with different models of Canon camera, it seemed a good idea to offer a category which can be used for all the varieties of Canons: SLR, DSLR, Mirrorless, M-series, ASP-C, film, etc.
As traffic is still low at present, I propose a monthly thread will be adequate, at least for the time being.
If you upload by means of the arrow logo at the r. h. end of the row above, the EXIF data will also be shown.
We look forward to seeing your photos. Although the dedication is to photos taken with Canon, there is, of course, no objection to photos shot with cameras made by other manufacturers!
Digirame and I will be active here, but we hope that all will join in and comment on others' photos. As I see it, this is more about community building than showing off.