• AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    If you like, here you can post NikonStore Prices in your country, and also differences in prices from main sellers.
    All prices Tax Included to allow easier comparison

    Here we go.

    - € 4,559 body
    - € 5.549 body + Z 24-120 f/4 S
    - Only a few shops offer pre-orders - same price

    2023-05-13 00 20 30.jpg

    2023-05-13 00 20 30.jpg

    JPG, 85.4 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

  • jabergpanorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    Midwest Photo (Ohio, USA)

    Midwest Photo (Ohio USA).jpg

    Midwest Photo (Ohio USA) Z8 Body Only.jpg

    Midwest Photo (Ohio USA) Z8 Body Only.jpg

    JPG, 519.6 KB, uploaded by jaberg 2 years ago.

    Midwest Photo (Ohio USA).jpg

    JPG, 569.1 KB, uploaded by jaberg 2 years ago.

  • LanceBpanorama_fish_eye
    39 posts
    2 years ago

    As I posted on DPReview:
    Australian price is AU$6,999.00 including 10% GST. So, roughly AU$6,363 without GST.

    Not that it can be exactly extrapolated from the US price, but the US price is US$4,000 and I am assuming this is without the various state taxes? I assume this because there are different state taxes in the US and thus the price at places like B&H are possibly quoted tax free and you then have to add the state tax to the on-line price? So, I hope I am calculating the comparison of tax free prices in both countries and thus tax has to be added according to your country and/or state.

    The AU$ to the US$ is about US$0.655/AU$1.00 lately. So, at the moment, the exchange rated price from the US price is about 4000/.655 = $6,100. So the Aussie price is not far off the US price if that is all we are lguaging the world price by. The Australian price may well be calculated off the Yen rather than the US$ or some other means. I know they do fudge the exchange rates and where the money is going etc.

  • jabergpanorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    That assumption is correct. Retail prices in the US are generally listed pre-tax and the specific tax rate will vary by city/state.

  • deejjjaaaahelp_outline
    260 posts
    2 years ago

    DO TELL !!!

  • Dannyhelp_outline
    435 posts
    2 years ago

    New Zealand


    Around $4960 US


    JPG, 166.5 KB, uploaded by nzmacro 2 years ago.

  • jabergpanorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    NZ No GST price converts to US$4314. Which admittedly is still more than I’d pay with my local sales tax added: US$4297.12

  • edit

    Thread title has been changed from Z8 & Kits - Prices around the world.

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    Just forgot USA habit of telling the price net of taxes.

    To have a better comparison of the MONEY local BUYER HAVE TO SPEND,
    I'll take into account only the total cost taxes included.

    So USA Members have to remember that and state the local taxes as well !!!

    Cost for the Buyer compared in full taxes:
    USA @jaberg, local sales tax added: US$4297.12
    If 4,559 Euro equals . . . US$4,986.86
    so 7,995 New Zealand Dollar equals US$4,961.70
    and 6,999 Australian Dollar equals US$4,659.93

  • dspoelpanorama_fish_eye
    9 posts
    2 years ago

    In Sweden the price is 55000 SEK, including 11000 sales tax, or 44000 before tax which corresponds to $4200. As usual we are being ripped off...

  • catalogpanorama_fish_eye
    2 posts
    2 years ago

    UK prices.

    Body only £3,999
    Kit £4,839.

    All include VAT.

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    So far the best place to buy a Z8 Body is the USA at 4297 $ - the worse is Norvège +945 $

    EDITED TABLE with correcting notes

    2023-05-13 18 37 48.jpg

    JPG, 122.7 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

  • AndyMillerPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    29 posts
    2 years ago

    Import duties and luxury goods taxes vary by country as well. So does the cost of shipping.

    The table above would be better is the exchange rates and sales tax/VAT assumptions were made explicit and harmonised.
    For example Vat varies between 18 to 21% in the EU. Is 20% in the uk — so the US$ equivalent price of a body only Z8 in the UK is £3999.95/1.20 *$1.24 == $4,133 plus sales tax

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    No, I don't agree.
    I pay from my pocket, and you pay from your pocket... that is the only Meanninfull Comparison

    Maybe I can tell a little story about that.

    Many years ago a Friend came to stay for two months in Turin to study,
    it was not alone but with some other countrymen to attend a BIT course.

    He asked me for Mercedes or Renault prices used cars. I put myself at service:
    They ended up buying cash ...scrap Cars for 14 million Liras Shipped to Conakry
    16 bodies loaded to the rim of used/broken spare parts !!

    They told me that at home parents and relatives were collecting the sum ready to pay for Custom at the ship's arrival: 200% of the facture plus current taxes !!

    Thanking me to have found that jewels car mine, as an aside my friend told me:
    I would have never been able to own a car if it was not for you.
    These guys offered us for nearly nothing all used and broken spare parts "as part of the deal on the bodies".
    With that money (cash I had ready) it was impossible to buy a car in >Conakry
    even a broken one in need of repairs
    Now we ALL will be able to afford one for each of us just by selling that parts!!!!.
    What for you is scrap, for us is spare parts like new. Any spare part is not available in our or neighboring Countries.

    To give you the readers, a relative value at that time:

    • I had a brand new 1,128milion Liras FIAT 126 ("Nuova 500" model successor)
    • My salary was 0,105milion Liras (~1/10th of my car )
    • a used working Mercedes was not less than 5milions Liras - Renaults were cheaper

    • My friend's salary as a State Manager, allowed him to sustain a family of 12 peoples with all the frills

    • But its salary value was 1/500 of mine using then the official exchange rate
    • With one month's salary, he was able to buy two lorries of bananas delivered to the city and ready to be sold

    • With my salary, I was not able to maintain myself -paying rent and utilities- so I stayed home with my parents

    The end of the story?

    The guy that dealt with the sales called me three months later.
    He notice me that all the goods were delivered and paid for in Conaky, and asked me (please) if I would visit his shop next few days.

    After offering me a coffee it delivered in my hands a 0,5milion Liras check.

    "it would have me cost more to get rid of all that spare parts"
    "I was so happy when you asked them - could believe my luck"
    "there was no cost for us to stuff that in the bodies they bought"
    "you have freed me at least 7 spots in our cramped garage"

    That was quite unexpected!!!! 👀

    ( I just learned the Brittissshh - Hourses of Courses )

  • AndyMillerPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    29 posts
    2 years ago

    The point of this thread was to compare prices. In the USA prices are always quoted before sales tax in Europe they are included. In Europe we can recover the VAT if you buy as a business that is registered for VAT. And if you are a non resident travelling from a non-EU COUNTRY then you can recover most of the VAT back when you leave the EU, but you should pay tax when you land back home in you country of residence. And so on….. AND when I buy from B&H in NYC and ship to the UK - No Us sales taxes are applied but UK import duties and VAT are. B&H make this painless.

    The only meaningful way to show such a comparison is both NET and GROSS.

  • RMcLpanorama_fish_eye
    28 posts
    2 years ago

    The real cost to buy the Z8 in the US or the “out the door” price as it’s called is in many cases the advertised pre-tax sales price, in this case around US $3997. Why? Because many online retailers here do not have to charge sales/local taxes when shipping to another state. Technically the buyer is then supposed to pay this local sales tax to their state themselves, but rarely ever does. In fact B&H in New York have an agreement with a credit card company where the credit card company itself covers the sales tax if you buy the item from B&H using their card, and is perfectly legal and no one is left having to declare anything in future tax returns. So, the true cost of purchasing a Z8 in the US is best case around $3997. Worst case one could buy it locally and then be obliged to pay MSRP + local sales taxes, but that’s a choice and one doesn’t have to.

    Then one could get it even cheaper buying grey market units (non-US market models) online, but let’s not get into that for the sake of this comparison.

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    I can tell YOU for sure that the goal of this thread is to compare out-of-pocket costs


    ( I'm not interested in prices - BTW: My thread, not yours )

    Good for USA citizens. Legally they have to pay them. That's what the costs are.
    For instance:
    If I buy in Switzerland, then avoid Custom re-entering Italy that doesn't change the equation.
    In Italy, it's perfectly legal to own a non-declared item at the frontier.
    ( up to the State to demonstrate you've not paid duty )

    That's an accountant-ledger duty. I'm a Business registered but for me, the cost doesn't change.
    I explain why:
    If you have only say 4.000€ in your wallet, you'll never be able to buy an object that cost 4.800€.

    • You can get hoarse explaining to the seller that the State will reimburse you the 800€ > 20% VAT on the object

    ( the seller will want that VAT money on the counter before .-. and if you don't comply you can touch nor get it )

    Same here: International guarantee instead of nation> Nital for Nikon
    Usually, a 20% cheaper tax included.

    I got two lenses that way - I consider them "normal" price

    ( there is a very good non official tech repair for Nikon in Florence )

  • AndyMillerPhotopanorama_fish_eye
    29 posts
    2 years ago

    "BTW: My thread, not yours )"

    You do not own anything in this type of forum nor control what others post.

    And it is easy to make information accurate and easy to understand.

    z8 comp.jpg

    z8 comp.jpg

    JPG, 141.5 KB, uploaded by AndyMillerPhoto 2 years ago.

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago



    PNG, 70.1 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.