• nightowlhelp_outline
    2 years ago

    Unfortunately not that I know of, the issue seems to be the forum is trying to be clever and keeps track of every post in a thread and whether you've seen each one, rather than the thread as a whole. Sometimes it clears the flags as you scroll, but is pretty unreliable. I believe there is some change coming on this.

  • ChrisOlypanorama_fish_eye
    1507 posts
    2 years ago

    I have posted 2 pics in under: Photo discussion/Photo critiques/Wed C&C #002/SAD item by - ChrisOly
    When you are NOT logged in and just viewing, the very first pic is not visible...
    When you are logged in both pics are visible and you are ok.
    Someone noticed the discrepancy. Kindly resolve if possible, if and when you have a chance. Thanks.
    Online540 posts

    OK, this is a mixture of a feature and a bug. Alan has set thing up so posted images aren't available when not logged in - to prevent scrping of peoples' images. It shouldn't be showing either, but for some reason is showing the second. Can you please put it in the bugs category and the dev team will deal with it.

  • AlanShlens
    2 years ago

    I haven't changed anything yet (and I hope none of the other admins have either) . I have been very busy doing other things last week and will have a look at all this over the next few days (probably Monday/Tuesday). If you can wait a few days, I am sure I can sort out what is going on.


  • ge0rgpanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    2 years ago

    Adding links that contain certain "uncommon" characters is still impossible using the rich editor, for example the "@" is blocked. That prevents normal users from adding links to awesome Mastodon accounts like @ShittyCameraChallenge.


    PNG, 28.2 KB, uploaded by ge0rg 2 years ago.

  • LeeJaypanorama_fish_eye
    273 posts
    2 years ago

    "Threads" box showed up on mobile for a while yesterday but now it instantly gets covered up by the box below.

  • nightowlhelp_outline
    2 years ago

    Unfortunately (for now) this is by design, the button (to switch between all/my/subscribed threads) is currently within a container which is hidden on "xs" (extra small screens), so it may show briefly while the browser loads the page.

    This would be a fairly minor change, but not sure if it's something we can customise or if it needs to go to the parent Misago project, will make enquiries...

  • TheDavinatorpanorama_fish_eye
    621 posts
    2 years ago

    Since the last update, I’ve had to sign in at least a half dozen times. Why does it keep forgetting I’m logged in?

  • AlanShlens
    2 years ago

    I don't know, but I will check it out with my 'normal' user account. What browser are you using?


  • ArvoJlens
    2 years ago

    If you
    a) clear cookies (this logs you off)
    b) reload page with Ctrl+F5 (this is more than just refresh) (desktop only, on mobile there are different ways to achieve same)
    c) sign in again
    - will that session last more?
    For me reloading page (b) was important, otherwise I could see some strange login prompts and errors in various contexts.

  • Danelandpanorama_fish_eye
    1079 posts
    2 years ago

    If I click any of these

    Screenshot 2023-05-20 at 23.24.14.png

    Only this page comes up

    Screenshot 2023-05-20 at 23.25.20.png

    Mac OS Ventura 13.2.1 Safari 16.3

    Screenshot 2023-05-20 at 23.24.14.png

    PNG, 382.8 KB, uploaded by Daneland 2 years ago.

    Screenshot 2023-05-20 at 23.25.20.png

    PNG, 172.3 KB, uploaded by Daneland 2 years ago.

  • AlanShlens
    2 years ago

    I don't have a MAC to test it on, but on my PC, it works OK.

    Can you try again?


  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    I'm running an Intel i7 NUC, Windows 10, Brave web browser, and randomly getting the same message as above.

  • AlainCh2panorama_fish_eye
    535 posts
    2 years ago

    Short and fast procedure:

    Logout without closing the Tab > F12


    Check you are in the Application Tab
    After checking "third party" Click on "Clear Data"
    ->F12 again - Re-Logging

    That should solve

    ( I have AMD and the same setup with Brave )


    PNG, 677.8 KB, uploaded by AlainCh2 2 years ago.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    Okay, just figured out what the trigger is -it's when you click the time of last post quick link on the far right of the thread title that sets it off. For me anyway.

  • Ghundredpanorama_fish_eye
    758 posts
    2 years ago

    You're the man. Did that, fixed 👍👍👍

  • Propheticuspanorama_fish_eye
    38 posts
    2 years ago

    This is caused by a buggy "posts per page" feature. dprevived.com/t/posts-not-showing-when-over-25-posts-are-made-in-thread/3170/#post-32539
    The last post link is converted to an URL that contains the page#. It calculates the total # of pages using the old value of 18 posts per page, while when using e.g. 30 posts per page there will actually be fewer pages. The link then points to a page # higher than what exists > page not found.

  • Gregpanorama_fish_eye
    516 posts
    2 years ago

    Everything works okay here.

    macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
    Firefox 113.0.1 (64-bit)

    Edit: just fired-up Safari 13.1.2
    and everything is working correctly there too.

  • AlanShlens
    2 years ago

    Proph could be right if Martin hasn't fixed the post/page bug. I will need to check with him.


  • primeshooterpanorama_fish_eye
    217 posts
    2 years ago

    A suggestion...when I have a pm take me to the end of the pm trail ie the latest message to come in rather than the start of the conversation requiring the user to click to the latest message.

  • AlanShlens
    2 years ago

    It should do that. It does with my PMs.


  • meowpanorama_fish_eye
    510 posts
    2 years ago

    It's the same for me, Alan. I get to the oldest PM, not the latest. Strange that it differs.

  • Rafalpanorama_fish_eye
    66 posts
    2 years ago

    I suspect Alan is talking about behaviour on mobile and you are using desktop? This behaviour will only get unified in next Misago release where unread thread's link will always lead to first unread reply. Currently this only happens on mobile.

  • meowpanorama_fish_eye
    510 posts
    2 years ago

    Correct. Desktop.

  • panorama_fish_eye

    Thread has been unpinned.