• Members 1 post
    March 28, 2023, 3:34 p.m.

    Even after announcing DPR is closing forever, DPR moderators kept doing their apparent job by locking and deleting threads and posts left and right.

    I'm telling you, chinese censorship would really benefit from hiring these people, although in the long run they might bring down communism much like they did with DPR.

    I have never seen moderators so vicious towards the members of a forum they were supposed to moderate.

    There is clear distinction between censorship and moderation, something the moderators at DPR never really understood or more like it, they never cared about their own rules or common sense.

    Unless of course the rules for posting only applied for us suckers while the moderators themselves took orders from Jeff himself, who's only trying to get enough cash to feed his hungry family every month.

    Either way, the result is the same. The totalitarian regime imposed by the moderators at DPR has finally reached it's apex, meaning the closing down of the site.

    It's all logical when you think about it, totalitarian regimes don't last long and DPR is no exception.

    So next time you want to thank anyone for distroying an entire website, you can thank Jeff's minions, aka the DPR moderators.

    Good job boys! Mission accomplished.

    I would like to thank user bobn2 for creating DPRevived.com to help out the former members at the now defunct DPR.

    PS. I had images with a recently locked thread at DPR, but i can't upload them here. The guy's thread was locked with no reason, a story that's repeating itself every day until the website will finally be deleted.

    DPR moderators are a plague decimating the number of visitors, but i can't say they don't love their jobs, some might say they're overly zealos, some days i'm surprised they allow the publication of any threads at all!

    If the prison guards aka moderators down at DPR would have had their way, DPR forums would consist only of endless ads and praises for the supreme leader, aka Jeff B.

    But- party's over. I hear Jeff is broke after the divorce and can't(or won't) pay their salaries anymore, especially since he's running an empire anyway so he doesn't need DPR moderators singing his praises every day.
    (Jeff's not the loyal type, if you haven't figured it out yet).

  • Members 360 posts
    March 28, 2023, 4:21 p.m.

    While I disagree with the causality of the disaster of any kind, you are right.

    They ticked me off quite many times, and definitely shot down my enthusiasm, feel for the community, and will to help. They were too obvious and loud about the fact, that it was "their forum". No class.

    Some mods are really terrible. I hope they don't make it here, and if so, then under different system. Maybe as someone suggested, we should have reporting, ranking and rewarding system with possibility to vote stuff. Best ones would be rewarded, worst ones evaluated against user reports and properly dealt with.

  • Members 96 posts
    March 28, 2023, 5:22 p.m.

    To be honest, whether one's experiences about moderation on DPR were predominantly good, bad or ugly, I think the practical option is to just to leave it behind with the rest of DPR, or things turn easily to drama for drama's sake.

    Obviously that doesn't mean it's not useful to analyze what can be done better here to ensure high-quality moderation with minimal power-tripping. Maybe some kind of voting process for choosing the probable cream of the crop from moderator candidates might be useful?

  • Members 12 posts
    March 28, 2023, 6:15 p.m.

    Even after announcing DPR is closing forever, DPR moderators kept doing their apparent job by locking and deleting threads and posts left and right.

    Seems that way with 27 threads locked in the Feedback Forum on the first page.

  • Members 4 posts
    March 28, 2023, 8:09 p.m.

    I don't know about the longetivety of totalitarian regimes.. Ancient Egypt lasted for thousands of years. ;)

    But I think the best way forward is to start with a clean slate and leave the past behind.. after all DPreview has but two weeks left and I hope there won't be any animosity against the former moderators of that site should they decide to join us on this forum.

  • Members 1737 posts
    March 28, 2023, 8:21 p.m.

    Not all of us. Check out MF Forum.

  • March 28, 2023, 8:28 p.m.

    Sometimes the forums got the moderators they deserved and vice versa.

    I think the interesting thing about the MF forum was that it was a multi-brand forum, and esoteric enough that it wasn't likely to produce the kind of brand loyalty that can go toxic. My experience was that the atmosphere varied forum by forum. When Canon was my main system I found the Canon forums very aggressive, with posts which some people deemed 'anti-Canon' being ganged up on. When I moved to Nikon those forums seemed really calm and reasonable. They even got trolled by Canon users ('who makes your sensors') and took it with a cool equanimity. Now in the Z forums it's a bit different, getting a bit more like the Canon forums. I have no idea what causes it. Still it will all be gone in a while and hopefully here we can find a way of not being quite the same as it was.

  • Members 6 posts
    March 28, 2023, 8:47 p.m.

    Same with MFT. Only one thread closed since the announcement, and because of clear SPAM.

  • Members 6 posts
    March 28, 2023, 8:57 p.m.

    I've mainly used the Cybershot and Retouching forums at DPReview and have never felt the moderators to be heavy handed or overly intrusive. Maybe this has not been the case in some other forums?

  • Members 52 posts
    March 28, 2023, 8:59 p.m.

    You are lumping all of the moderators into one basket and that is not fair. In my experience at DPR, there were more good than bad. I would say your post is somewhat provocative as were many of your posts at the old site. Some degree of moderation is welcome, otherwise bullies can run amok. In the early days of the N1 forum there were a few insufferable members whose only game was to ridicule the format and the people using it. Good moderation eliminated them and in subsequent years that particular forum didn’t even have or need a moderator.

  • Members 146 posts
    March 28, 2023, 9:01 p.m.

    For the most part, moderators of online forums are volunteers and it's a pretty thankless task.

    While one can disagree with specific decisions of individual moderators, including some of those over at the "old" DPR, some moderation is essential and they did keep the site operating over many years.

    I think it's drawing a pretty long bow to suggest that heavy-handedness on the part of one or two moderators had anything to do with the demise of the site. Both are unfortunate, but (IMO) arising from unrelated causes.

  • March 28, 2023, 9:02 p.m.

    That kind of infantile inter-brand trolling was very much a thing - but I suspect might not be so much now that digital cameras aren't so desired by people who think that their worth is measured by their possessions.

  • Members 878 posts
    March 29, 2023, 3:46 a.m.

    That changed with the current moderator who does not even own Canon gear. Bashing Canon was considered good manners, while being critical of Sony would send you to the digital Gulag. I had the choice between being either in Gulag or in NK, and I chose neither limiting my participation there.

  • Members 1464 posts
    March 29, 2023, 4:06 a.m.

    One thing is certain, it seems obvious that the vast majority of DPreview moderators have a very bad reputation here. 😄

  • Members 615 posts
    March 29, 2023, 5:29 a.m.

    Being an Admin or Mod is a tough gig. I admin a number of larger FB groups and it can be difficult getting past all the noise to hit upon the truth. An example I found today was in the Site Feeback forum at DPReview. A fellow posted his grievances about the site in a thread called “Social Club.” It sounds plausible. Yet, this person has a long history of playing the victim. He had a good 7 or 8 user IDs over the years to troll and attack anyone…calling them liars, etc, etc. Classic case of projection. Unless the moderator had known the history, it’d be pretty hard to discern the truth.

  • Members 1464 posts
    March 29, 2023, 6:09 a.m.

    Unfortunately, not just anyone can become a good moderator. It takes good judgment and analytical skills. What the vast majority of moderators at DPReview don't seem to have.

    We need police in the cities too. But not a policeman who shoots at the slightest suspicious behavior.

  • Members 2261 posts
    March 29, 2023, 6:12 a.m.

    Clearly not all moderators on DPReview Forums were created equally and some were better than others but I think your generalisation is a bit harsh.

    For example, very soon after the forum shutdown was announced this is the first thread that was created by a moderator in Open Talk at DPR

    "DPReview Shutdown Thread" www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/4705187

    In it the mod stated very clearly:

    "In order to prevent a dozen similar threads, this thread will act as the thread to discuss DPR closing its doors. Other threads will be locked. General thoughts also welcome, but hopefully community members can discuss other forum options moving forward."

    When that thread filled up, the mods created "extension" threads to continue the discussion.

    From what I saw, other mods generally followed the same line of reasoning in their allocated forums.

  • Members 2102 posts
    March 29, 2023, 6:19 a.m.

    couldn't agree more, was getting ridiculous where you couldn't even mention Sony in the m43 forum without getting a ban and no explanation at all. so many members are using FF and m43, even in the portrait forum you had to say every image was good otherwise a ban was executed instantly your post deleted so you couldn't link and complain to the admin.
