• AlanShlens
    a year ago

    All fixed.


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    With the new competition winner being portrait mode, there was a lot of white space on the screen. So, I've added last weeks winner as well. I've also added an option so you can click on the image and it blows it up to full screen size (or nearly). Let me know if you like it.

    I've changed the background colour a bit. Not sure I like it, but it's better than plain white in my opinion - let me know what you think.

    Lastly, the url for the site is www.the-photo.org. That should not change for a while (I hope).


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago
  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    No updates today, but I hope you are enjoying viewing the portfolios. As soon as the hosting site supports PHP, I will try and add a likes and comments section to the site.


  • WolfsHeadhelp_outline
    245 posts
    a year ago

    If I’m being honest, I think it’s a step backward. I don’t see anything wrong with white background - in fact, I think it’s preferable. I also am not keen on the two images - different aspect ratio, different sizes , not enough ‘white’ space around them and I’m sorry to say that it gives an amateurish feeling to something that was beginning to feel rather smart. I still think the way forward is the week’s winning image with previous winners being shunted off to a gallery. In the realm of small things, I think the text on the ‘click here’ button should be ‘what’s new’ and it should join the set of buttons on the left. There are a couple of other minor things but I’ve probably irritated you enough already and I fully accept that there are probably almost 4000 other opinions too!

    Best wishes,
    Another Alan

    (In my defence, I did teach web page design for 10 years or so in the noughties.

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    No, that's good feedback. I can mess around tomorrow.

    Personally, with one portrait image, I felt there was foo much white space - but I need to think how I can fix that with only one picture on the page.

    Keep the ideas coming.


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    OK - I've changed the front page. Have a look now. I have also added a new portfolio from NCV - thank Nigel - some great pictures here www.the-photo.org/ncv-port.html

  • a year ago

    I think a neutral grey (or gray!), like that behind Alan’s reply above, should be used as background of the landing page and the porfolio pages. I say this because grey is equal amounts of red, green and blue, and is better than white in the case of a photo having a light colour at its edge. Grey sets off the photos well — in fact, best!


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    I can change it to 230,230,230 if you wish. Done.


  • a year ago

    I am too lazy to look up what 230,230,230 looks like, but it sounds good.

    However, the change is not showing up yet!


  • a year ago

    OK, I got my book out and #D7D7D7 looks good to me. Which I guess you would call 215,215,215. Or 204,204,204 (#CCCCCC)...


  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    I'll try that tomorrow morning.


  • ArvoJlens
    a year ago

    I'd suggest to use hsl(0, 0%, 84%) instead - much easier to change afterwards.
    (I personally would favour pure white background; light images can be separated by thin border - but grey is not a problem either.)

  • AlanShlens
    a year ago

    Within the package I use it is very easy to change the RGB colours. But thanks for the thought.


  • TimoKpanorama_fish_eye
    300 posts
    a year ago

    Long time ago I used

    rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)

    Also easy to change the opacity of black.